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Dear Mister Jesus, I don't understand
Why they took her mom and dad away
I know that they don't mean to hit with wild and angry hands
Tell them just how big they are I pray

Please don't let them hurt your children
We need love and shelter from the storm
Please don't let them hurt your children
Won't you keep us safe and warm

Dear Mister Jesus, they say that she may die
Oh I hope the doctors stop the pain
I know that you could save her and take her up to the sky
So she would never have to hurt again

Please don't let them hurt your children...

Dear Mister Jesus, please tell me what to do
And please don't tell my daddy
But my mommy hits me, too.

Please don't let them hurt your children...


I Felt An Angel Near Today,
Though One I Couldn't See.
I Felt An Angel, Oh-So-Close,
Sent To Comfort Me.

I Felt An Angel's Gentle Kiss,
Soft Upon My Cheek.
And Oh, Without A Single Word,
Of Caring It Did Speak.

I Felt An Angel's Loving Touch,
Soft Upon My Heart.
And With That Touch, I Felt The Pain,
And Hurt Within Depart.

I Felt An Angel's Tepid Tears,
Fall Softly Next To Mine.
And Knew That As Those Tears Did Dry,
A New Day Would Be Mine.

I Felt An Angel's Silken Wings,
Enfold Me With Pure Love.
And Felt A Strength Within Me Grow,
A Strength Sent From Above.

I Felt An Angel, Oh-So-Close,
Though One I Couldn't See,
I Felt An Angel Near Today,
Sent To Comfort Me.




Song Playing
~Dear Mr Jesus~

The song is from the album "Shelter From The Storm"
By PowerSource, a Bedford, Texas-based evangelical youth chorus
Featuring nine-year-old soloist Sharon Batts

Created By LaVerne Thompson