David Tom
Interview with David Tom: "Emmys 2001"

From CBS.com

Last year, DAVID TOM (Billy) won the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Younger Actor. Will he take another one home this May 18? CBS.com got David's reaction to being nominated for a second year in a row!

CBS.com: Congratulations on your second nomination.
DAVID TOM: Thanks.

CBS.com: What was your first reaction when you learned the news?
DAVID TOM: Besides the...[exhales]...it was great. I was excited. I was stoked.

CBS.com: How does it make you feel to have gotten two nominations in two years?
DAVID TOM: I take it as an honor. [To be] nominated twice in two years, it's great. I'm very happy.

CBS.com: If you happen to win again this year, who will be the first person you'll thank?
DAVID TOM: Well, the first person I thank is always God, personally. But I'd just thank everyone in my family and friends. I'm not even crossing that bridge yet.

CBS.com: Will you prepare an acceptance speech?
DAVID TOM: Yes. I will just in case. I wouldn't want to go up there and be tongue-tied.

CBS.com: Last year you didn't seem tongue-tied.
DAVID TOM: I made a speech last year, but I was so overwhelmed and excited that I didn't even get it out of my pocket. No, you know, it was actually in my hand and I didn't open it up. It was folded up. Thank God I did remember everything, except my best friend was kind of mad that I didn't mention his name. [Laughs] He'd be someone I'd definitely mention if...if I won.

CBS.com: Are you doing anything else to prepare for your trip to New York?
DAVID TOM: I'll just start working on getting hotels and that kind of thing. [I'll] plan on what time I'm going to be getting out there. David [Lago, Raul] and I are planning to get a hotel room together.

CBS.com: Do you think Emmy wardrobe is as big a concern for men as it is for women?
DAVID TOM: I don't think so. No. I'll pick out, hopefully, a pretty cool tux, but that's about it. Heather [Tom, Victoria] and all the girls, they have to do all that stuff - [picking out] dresses and trying them on.

CBS.com: Will your family go with you to New York?
DAVID TOM: Yes, I'm sure they will. I'm sure Heather will be there and [my twin sister] Nicholle and my mom. I'm not sure about anybody else, but last year some of my relatives [came]. My godparents were there. It was fun. We partied.

CBS.com: Well, good luck and thanks for chatting.
DAVID TOM: Thank you.

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