David Tom
Interview with David Tom: "Love Bytes"

From CBS.com

CBS.com: What is your idea of a romantic date?
DAVID TOM: I like a good conversation and a nice dinner. I really don't like going to the movies because you can't talk. When I have a date I like to bring them to my house and I cook for them there and then we go somewhere else.

CBS.com: What is the most romantic gift that you've ever given someone?
DAVID TOM: I wrote someone a love letter, got a bunch of flowers and brought it to them.

CBS.com: Describe your most romantic experience.
DAVID TOM: I took this girl to the Ritz Carlton in Malibu - I think it's in Malibu - it's the one on the beach. It was dusk and there was a gorgeous sunset, like out of a movie. We had this nice, little table right outside on the beach. We walked around and then we went to this carnival at night. It was fun.

CBS.com: What qualities would your ideal mate posses?
DAVID TOM: Someone that's easy to talk to, that's got a good personality, and has a nice sense of humor. Humor is very important, you know. Someone who is easy to get along with, with myself and my friends. Someone that's got good morals and has a good head on their shoulders, is going somewhere. Someone that is not lazy, or just wants to jump on someone else's ride - you know, ride along with them. I'm more into the inner person than the outer person. I look for beauty, but I don't consider it a major factor in relationships with me because I'm not really into that that much. Someone that's got a good heart and wants to go after their dreams and aspirations.

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