David Tom
Interview with David Tom: "Love Bytes"

From CBS.com

For the past year, Y&R fans have asked for nothing else but to see a Billy and Mac reunion...until now. Former bad boy, J.T., has slowly won over the hearts of many viewers. Will he win Mac's as well? CBS.com sat down with J.T.'s portrayer, THAD LUCKINBILL, who shared what it's like working with the other "Glow Kids" - as well as for Madonna!

CBS.com: The teen storyline has become very important to the fans. How does that make you feel?
THAD LUCKINBILL: I love it. It's funny [because] the majority of the Y&R audience is an older audience, and yet they love to watch the kids. That is shocking to me. It's flattering because normally you would think it would just be high school and college kids watching, but it's not. I guess it means that we're doing a great job. The writers write some interesting stuff and they always put us in interesting situations.

CBS.com: Did you ever experience the same pressures that the "Glow Kids" have?
THAD LUCKINBILL: Yes. Whether it's drugs or alcohol, they can all be dangerous, but when I grew up it was more [the pressure of] alcohol. So, yes, absolutely. [This storyline] was a reminder of that whole situation. It was like, you have to make a decision to do the right thing or the wrong thing [and] doing the wrong thing could end up with horrible repercussions.

CBS.com: Where would you like to see your storyline to go down the line?
THAD LUCKINBILL: Part of me thinks it would be interesting if they could somehow blend some of the storylines. I think my character has become a little too nice. A while ago I was thinking they could mix me in with Matt. I had that evil [edge], but not as bad as him. Now I think my character is a little too nice to get involved with that. I like what [the writers] are doing now. I'd like to see a love triangle between [my character], Ashley [Bashioum, Mac] and David [Tom, Billy] and see who wins. But I'd also like a situation where the feelings aren't just one-sided because that creates a tough situation for an actor.

CBS.com: Are you all friends in real-life?
THAD LUCKINBILL: We're all pretty good friends. David Lago [Raul] and I are great friends and we end up hanging out all the time with David Tom and Lauren [Woodland, Brittany]. You know, Ashley's quite a bit younger than us, but we'll hang out once in a while. We always get together to work on stuff. We were together last night at a coffee shop running lines, annoying all the customers there. [Laughs]

CBS.com: What do you do in your spare time?
THAD LUCKINBILL: I like to play a lot of basketball. I hit the gym and things like that. I also do some other things outside the show. I did a pilot for the WB [Network].

CBS.com: When you decided to get into the business was daytime where you saw yourself?
THAD LUCKINBILL: I grew up in a really artistic family. My mom was really into the music and drama. My sister is the same. I grew up going to musicals and plays and being in them. It always left an impression on me. Right when I moved out [to Los Angeles] I, more or less, wanted to get into TV and films. [Y&R] was an opportunity that presented itself pretty fast, but I loved it. And I still love it.

CBS.com: You're originally from Oklahoma. When did you move to California?
THAD LUCKINBILL: I probably got here about two and a half years ago. It was within the first six months that I got [Y&R].

CBS.com: So what is it about daytime that you love so much?
THAD LUCKINBILL: The thing I love about daytime [is that] as challenging as it can be to have ten or fifteen pages a day of material, it's so much fun to finish. You don't do that in any other [genre]. It's such a lesson as an actor to memorize all those lines and perform them day in and day out. That's why it's exciting.

CBS.com: There are many actors on Y&R that have had longevity in this genre. Is that what you are looking for?
THAD LUCKINBILL: Absolutely. In fact, depending on what happens with these other shows [outside of Y&R], I hope to be a little like Shemar [Moore, Malcolm] or Victoria Rowell [ex-Drucilla]. They get to do both [TV and films]. I'm one of those people who like to be challenged. I want to do as much as I can. I don't want to sit idle. I love working on this show and I want to do it for as long as I can.

CBS.com: I heard you mention that you were in a Madonna video.
THAD LUCKINBILL: Yes. I was in the "Don't Tell Me" video. I was the bronco rider.

CBS.com: How did that come about?
THAD LUCKINBILL: It was funny. My manager called because they basically wanted actors who could ride. There are very few who can do that. Since I grew up in Oklahoma, I'm familiar with horseback riding and bull riding and stuff. So [my manager] called me and said, "You can do this, can't you?" I was like, "Yeah." I went and there were thirty guys who could do it. I sized up the room as I walked in and [thought], "I could do this better than anybody [here]." I mean, [I wasn't] cocky, but I just felt I had more experience than these guys did. I went in, told them where I was from and what I did and that I could do it. They liked the look and said it was what they were looking for and I got cast in it. I got beat up really bad [riding]. The horse threw me a couple times.

CBS.com: Did you get to meet Madonna?
THAD LUCKINBILL: No, I didn't because my stuff was shot separately from hers. She didn't make the trip out there that day, but it was still fun. She sent a little note to me. I can't remember exactly what it said, but it was something to the effect of "I picked you out specially. You're really cute and you did a good job." It was flattering.

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