
First I ought to introduce our "supporting" character:
my old 14' Starcraft boat with the 35hp Johnson.
Not the fastest or prettiest boat on the lower
Kenai River, but plenty good to catch fish from.

On day one we all jumped in the boat and headed
to a spot I knew we could catch some Red Salmon
(also called Sockeye). This spot was always good
when the fish were in and we figured they would be
a good warm up for Matt who's previous biggest fish
was a 3lbs Walleye.

Fishing was fairly poor, and it rained off and on.
Phil was the first to hook up and catch a Red. Here
you can see it doing a good job of bending the rod.

It was a nice Red, and broke our streak.
I was the next to hook up, but Matt was having
a bit of a "dry spell".

Matt finally did hook up with a nice buck Red.
Easily the best fish of the day, but it was time
to go as we were all soaking. Just an aside, when
Phil and I get together to fish, it rains. Period.

The next morning we were a little late getting up
but we still got to the river in time to do some
King Salmon Fishing. It was almost scary. Less than
Ten minutes from starting the motor to hooking up with
a King! Surprisingly it was warm and sunny enough for
both Phil and I to shed our shirts.

Here Phil is getting ready to net the King. Matt
had been QUITE excited the first time it surfaced!
He had trouble keeping it on the surface though, as
I had tied the leader a little long while experimenting.
This resulted in a broken rod, but we got the fish!

It must have been some kind of record! Only 30 minutes
from starting the motor to tying back up at the dock!
And we had a nice King too! Look at that grin on
Matt's face. We netted the fish across the river, and
just motored right up to the dock and tossed it up there.
We have no idea who the lady is, just a tourist who
wanted her pic taken with that big fish!

At the scales we found that the King (Chinook Salmon) tipped the scales at over 58lbs! Matt was in heaven!
Here he is holding up the broken rod. Though I don't have a picture of it, a few seconds later a rental car
full of young ladies stops and asks to have their picture taken with Matt and the fish! He happily
obliged! All in all it was a great fish, and Matt had a great time....he still hadn't quit grinning when they
headed back two days later!