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It's a JEEP thing!

JEEPs are an American Phonemenon. We own a 1974 CJ5 highlighted on the main Jeep page. Here are a few shots of other Jeeps.

Military Jeeps at Tillamook

These Jeeps live in the hangar at Tillamook Air Museum, Tillamook, Oregon. Tanya and I visited it very briefly in January 1999. We plan to go back.

This is a World War II era Jeep in United States Army Air Forces colors. Yes, this is the same Jeep I had my pic taken with.

Another World War II Jeep, this time in Army Colors.

A shortly post WWII US Navy Jeep. Basically the same model as the civilian CJ2A

Now that should keep the tailgaters away! A 50's vintage M38A1. This is the Jeep the early model CJ5s like ours are based on.

Jeeps of All Trades!

CJ5 acting as a plane tug at the Reno National Airraces, Reno, Nevada.

Our Jeep

This is Moonlight Rambler, our 1974 CJ5. This pic was taken before the rebuild started.

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