Appendices - Models of the Criminal Justice System - Page 2

Deviance Models 1 - Determinist
5.  Social Pathology / Organic Functionalism
6.  Social Disorganisation / Ecology
Anomie Models
7.  Strain & Opportunity
8.  Differential Association
9.  Social Control


Return to Main Article...     [ Intro ]  [ Theor ]  [ 1: hed ]  [ 2: cons ]  [ 3: neo-cl ]  [ 4: auth ]  [ Effect ]  [ Concl ]  [ Refs ]

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Bibliographical Citation

NEWMAN, C.A.   (2000).  Four law & order approaches disentangled: a comparison between liberal, conservative, neo-classical & new right justice models, with special regard to effects on legal aspects of the criminal justice system.  University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W. [Dept. of Sociology / Criminology, School of Social Science: SOCY-364-8].

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Four Law & Order Models >>  Go to Appendices: Page 1...


CJS-Models based on Radical Determinism

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  Ecology > text...

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Anomie CJS-Models

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  Association > text...

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  Control > text...

Conflict CJS-Models >> Go to Appendices: Page 3...

Interactionist CJS-Models >> Page 3 (b)...


Title:  Four law and order approaches disentangled.
Sub-title:  A comparison between liberal, conservative, neo-classical and new right justice models.
Author:   NEWMAN, Campbell Alexander
S/N: 8201391
Posting Date: 5 May 2000

The University of New England
School of Social Science /Criminology
Tutor:  JOBES, Patrick C.
Sociology 364:  Australian Criminal Justice System

1. Criminology - Criminal Justice System.   2. Sociology.  3. Criminal Law.

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