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Sacajawea Coin

Can you believe it! A relative of ours is on a coin. It is a little weird but very cool. The coin has Sacajawea and Jean-Baptiste(the baby in the papose) on the front. And on the back is a eagle. I have a few of these and I will not spend them because i think it is the greatest thing. To me it is sort of a heirloom. Even though it really isn't. Let me know what you think about the coin.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sacajawea 1787-? Sacajawea, a Shoshoni Indian, was born in Idaho in 1787. When she was ten years old, she was captured by enemies and sold to a French-Canadian fur trader, Toussaint Charbonneau. They joined the Lewis and Clark expedition while they were camped at Fort Mandan in North Dakota. Charbonneau was hired to guide Lewis and Clark. The expedition party felt that it would be a good to have Sacajawea and her newborn baby boy, Jean-Baptiste, on the trip because it would show that they were peaceful. They also felt that she would be able to translate as well as share her knowledge of the other tribe's customs. Both Lewis and Clark respected her tremendously. Little is known about her life after the Lewis and Clark expedition. Search Nearly 2 Billion Names

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Lessons from Lewis and Clark
