-News for 2*10*03- We got a drummer!!Jeremy Patenaude is now the official drummer of BM. Hes amazing, and were glad to have him. We are in the middle of a major reconstruction on the site. Also we have been talking with Mark Ottiani of Pull-A-Nutty and hes going to be hooking us up with a show at the American Polish Vets club in Wilbraham. Its a great place to play a show. Ok,keep checking back,Justin
-News for 2*6*03- Hey its set. We will have our demo's to give out next Wendesday (2*12*03). If you want one , sign the guestbook. Also, we got ditched outta the show this Friday because too many bands are playing. Love,Justin
-News for 1*30*03- We are looking for a drummer now instead of a singer,and Jeff will be becoming rhythm guitar for the band. If you are a kick ass drummer or know a kick ass drummer,please email Justin . We also will be changing our name and having Tea
Cup industries remake the site to a really awesome one. .
-News for 1*9*03-Happy New Year from Bedside Manner!! We have decided on our demo name. The name will be "Overboard". Check back for more updates.
-News for 12*28*02-Yo,the input of Dan Courtneys recorder broke, and only 1 song was saved, and were not even sure if it was saved. So if it is, we are gonna give that one out, and now we are recording with Greenhouse Studios. Keep checking back.
-News for 12*16*02-Happy Holiday's from Bedside Manner!
-News for 12*9*02-Hey, ok we did not record Saturday due to a death in Coyles family. But now, we are 100% sure we are recording this Wendesday. We are still not sure of the name, but we probally will know by tonight. Also, we have added a new pics in the Pic's section.Todas las vidas....
-News for 11*29*02-Howdy, we didnt record last week due to snow, but we are recording this Saturday. We are not sure on the name of it, also, if you would like a copy, talk to one of us or email Justin.
-News for 11*29*02-Holler. We are recording our demo today! We will have the name of it soon. This is not going to count as our real demo, its just to get us heard, and its free. So , if you would like a copy, send an email to Justin, or talk to anyone of us for a free one. Later,Kiddies
-News for 11*21*02- Word up, bands going grrrrrrrrrrreat!We have praticed 3 times, and we found a roadie person. Jim, he edits the sound while we play, and carries stuff,at pratice, Jeff and Justin got in a wrestling match,Justin won,(by grabbing Jeffs sticks and repeatingly hitting him. Jim through the stand at us,it cut Justins face,Coyle laughed,then he threw the music stand at everyone.
-News for 11*18*02- Yo, we finally got a bass player! His name is Mike Coyle,we just call him Coyle.Ha, oh well we also got a show this friday at a private party for a friend. Some good bands playing, (we are not under that category.) Ok well, later.
-News for
11*10*02-Hey dudes, still not much up. We are looking for a bassist. If you live in the Springfield area, have an amp at least 90 watts, and can get transportation every week, please contact Justin as soon as possible.
-News for 10*28*02-
Hey everyone its up! The official site of Bedside Manner. Ok not much up. Sign the guestbook, and just wait for more updates!