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Dave Pond - Miscellaneous Design Pieces

These are a few samples (lo-res versions) of different pieces I've done over time, ranging from pamphlets and brochures to university media guides. The pics are a little bitmapped, but I uploaded lo-res versions to save you time in surfing the site. Contact me at, and I will be happy to send hi-res samples or printouts your way. Thanks!

Wake County Government, 1998

This is a tri-fold, 2-C brochure created for Wake County Government to publicize the legislative agenda for 1998.

Wake County Government, 1998

This are the first two pages of the Capital Area Financial Report, for Wake County Government.
Officals requested that the CAFR be "jazzed up" a bit from the 1997 version, so I redesigned, adding 4/C pics, charts and graphics throughout the document while maintaining a professional look.

Wake County Government, 1998

This is a four-page, folded pamphlet designed to distribute to pushcart vendors and foodstand owners throughout Wake County. We printed both English and Spanish versions to hand out.

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