Bibliography Page

 All Your Life

The fact that these references are mostly books about education as a whole rather than about language is no accident. They are, for the most part, about the institutional and psychological conditions which promote or retard learning. I believe this dissertation presents evidence that the attitude to learning is more important than the study of the structures of language.

Silvia Ashton-Warner Teacher (Penguin) 1966
The needs of young children to learn to read and write the words which are particularly emotionally significant. Warner shows that they learn more quickly than from a vocabulary list devised by the teacher or by a distant administration.

Leila Berg Risinghill (Penguin) 1968
A somewhat partisan account of an experimental regime in a London comprehensive school with implications for the social aspects of learning conditions.

Karl Drobnic Mistakes and Modifications in Course Design ESP 5B/9
The drawbacks to detailed planning when the students are unknown.

A. Fink and J. Kosecoff How to Conduct Surveys (Sage Publications) 1985

John Freeman Team Teaching in Britain (Ward Lock Educational) 1969
A rather formalistic approach to teachers working together.

Paul Goodman Growing Up Absurd (Gollancz) 1965
Compulsory Mis-education (Random House) 1965
Thinking about the needs of young people and devising (or imagining) institutions to fit the needs.

John Holt How Children Fail (Pitman) 1964
John Holt How Children Learn (Pitman) 1967
Observations of the psychological effects of some institutional activities and their effects on children's learning by creating inappropriate anxiety.

Herbert Kohl The Open Classroom (Random House) 1969

Account of teaching methods using students' choice.

Jonathan Kozol Death at an Early Age (Penguin) 1968
An account of the effects of too much institutional control of the contents of teachers' and students' work and the negative effects on students' attitudes to learning.

Stephen Krashen - The Input Hypothesis (Longman) 1985
An influential account of a theory of language learning based on practical observation of teaching situations.

N.S.Prabhu Second language Pedagogy (OUP) 1987
An account of a language learning experiment in schools in southern India.

J.Swales The Educational Environment and the relevance to ESP Program design ESP5 B/27

Bob White et al. Experiments in Education at Sevenoaks (Constable) 1965
Innovations in learning methods taking place in a conventional British Public School, showing that it is possible to adopt thoughtful methods without also adopting extreme political or social views.

David Wills The Barns Experiment (Allen Unwin) 1945
Experiences with psychologically disturbed children with implications for general educational methods.

Note: ESP refers to documents in the Language Studies Unit Reference Collection

Silvia Ashton-Warner - Teacher

Teacher (Touchstone Books)

Leila Berg - Risinghill

Risinghill: Death of a Comprehensive School (Pelican)

Paul Goodman - Growing up Absurd

Growing Up Absurd

Stephen Krashen - The Input Hypothesis

The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications
Bob White - Experiments in Education at Sevenoaks

Experiments in Education at Sevenoaks

Herbert Kohl - The Open Classroom

The Open Classroom (Education Paperbacks)

Herbert Kohl - The Open Classroom

The Open Classroom (Education Paperbacks)
John Holt - How Children Fail
The Open Classroom (Education Paperbacks)
How Children Fail (Classics in child development)

How Children Fail (Classics in Child Development)

E G Matthews - How to study Literature for African Students

on Kindle






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Since 12/04/11

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