All Your Life

 Appendix 3
The School Certificate results



The Uganda pattern of Good passes (Fig.6) tends to show that Kololo students did less well than those at the Aga Khan school. Kololo, as a much larger school, tended, while it was a mainly Asian school, to be less selective in its intake.

There is no evidence here that the English Block work helped people get good passes. Nevertheless there is no evidence either that it caused people to fail. Only the kind of experiment which is perhaps unethical - dividing a group of students into segments and teaching them with different methods - could produce more information.
As I mention on page 11, we can only measure what is measurable. The English Block work was intended to develop some skills which are not tested by examination boards, and which are perhaps untestable. The records of the Oral Examination, which some of the students took, are not kept with the main records. Perhaps this reflects the greater emphasis and value placed on the written tests.





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