E G Matthews - How to study Literature for African and Indian Students

on Kindle

 How to Study Literature

a guide for African and Indian students
Literature in English courses

© 1995 E.G.Matthews
M.A. (Edinburgh) M.Sc. (Aston) P.G.C.E. (Moray House)

formerly at
Government College, Bida, Niger State of Nigeria;
Kakamega High School, Kenya; Musingu High School, Kenya;
Swaneng Hill School, Botswana
Charlotte O'Neil - Publish a Kindle Book

 Table of Contents

Sample of the book on this web site
 1.Introduction  4  Rhyme and Rhythm  46
 What is literature?.    Metaphor and simile.  51
 Why study literature?.  5  Irony  53
 Oral literature.  6   Puns.  55
 Discrimination  8 5. Popular Writers  56
 The Arts  9 T. Lobsang Rampa.  56
 General Reading  11  James Hadley Chase.  62
 The world of books  14  Deception  67
 Fiction and non-fiction.  14  6. Non-fiction.  68
 2.The Novel  17 Biography  68
 What is a novel?  17 Autobiography  
 Narrative and description  17   Humour.  
 Character.  18  7. The Book Industry  70
 Setting  17   Publishers.  70
 Plot.  19 Learning from books.  73
 Sequence.  24  Reading speed.  74
 Genres.  28 8. The Examination Course  76
 3. The Play  36   Choice of Set Book.  
 What is Drama?  36  9. Examinations  78
 How a play is written  39  Model Answers  79
 Film  42  
  4. Poetry  43    
  Meaning and sound.  43    


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