

Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby

Niu Gini

Currency unit








Solomon Islands



West Papua






This Island has more cultures and linguistic groups than any comparable area of the world. Every valley is home to a different group. No doubt this is because, before the coming of the airplane, traveling across the deeply cut mountain valleys was extremely difficult.

The island was also isolated from the surrounding South East Asian cultures, except for some coastal areas.

Colonial rule came to the island in three parts: from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) from 1901 the Dutch ruled the western half of the island, given to Indonesia in 1969 and now called West Irian; in 1884 the eastern half was divided between Britain (southern part) and Germany. From 1906 the British part was given to Australia and the name changed to Papua.

After the first world war both eastern parts belonged to the British Empire and were administered by Australia as a single unit. The island was involved in the second world war when it was attacked and partially occupied by the Japanese.


Numerous Melanesian languages.


Pidgin (intertribal language) for some official purposes.

English for some official purposes.






Elected assembly with many parties, representing ethnic groups. Governments are coalitions.

It is remarkable that a country with such a diverse population and cultural backwardness should have maintained a democratic form without any military coups. This may reflect the basically democratic nature of village society among many of the peoples.






Conflict between the traditional economy of the people and modern mining and other activities. As much of the export income comes from Bougainville, which wants to secede, the economy is vulnerable.






New Guinea is a transition area for life between Asia and Australia. Some of the typical marsupial species of Australia are also found there.

The mining and tree felling industries are a problem.

There are potential volcano problems, especially a caldera type volcano at Rabaul.





Human Rights

Torture occasionally, reported by Amnesty.

Climate effects

One degree
Increased rainfall in climax forest. Probably not in danger.

Two degrees
More danger of forest damage. Rising sea level will flood coastal plains.

Last revised 1/5/07


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