Some biologists suggest that greatly increased population densities, unprecedented in human history, may produce the conditions for the spread of both old and new infectious diseases. Many existing human diseases only appeared after the invention of agriculture. Small hunter-gatherer groups did not get many infections. AIDS is a world problem because it has spread to all countries and affects the whole human community. In modern times epidemics of any kind can spread quickly to all continents because of world transport networks. Cholera is another example as it spread rapidly from Peru in 1991 to the whole of South America. It could be eliminated if money were spent on modern water supplies. The origin of the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency) virus was unknown for a long time despite intensive search, though it was first identified in the United States from where it seems to have spread to other countries, mainly through infected blood products and sex tourists. Its origin now seems to have been in a virus with the same genetic structure that infects some of the Great Ape species. The method of transmission was almost certainly via butchering the meat of these animals in Central Africa. The Simian Immuno Deficiency Virus does not cause the disease in apes, probably because those animals that had the immunity gene were the ancestors of all those now living. The vulnerable genes have been eliminated, as, eventually, they may be in humans. One hypothesis was that it may have spread from non-human primates during the development of vaccines against polio during the 1950s. However, no evidence has been found for this theory and it has been discarded. This article suggests that the HIV virus crossed into human populations in about 1910.
In some countries such as in East and Central Africa the health services are already unable to cope with millions of people now infected. The concentration of media attention on America and Europe (where it is still a minor though growing problem) has diverted attention from Africa which faces a very serious epidemic - spread almost entirely by heterosexual activity, often along the trucking routes from country to country. Another means of spread is through injection needles in hospitals. Health services can't afford disposable syringes. This was also a major route in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union which have revealed epidemics of HIV infection. In Romania and the Soviet Union hospital needles have infected many children. Thailand and Philippines face a similar epidemic. India also faces a major epidemic of African proportions, especially in the urban areas. The Inuit of Greenland may be facing extinction. In 1990 WHO estimated 9,000,000 infected people, of which 5,000,000 were in Africa. These numbers could be a considerable underestimate. It is possible that in some areas AIDS could reverse the effects of the population explosion and create the problem of social disruption from the huge numbers of orphans - people lacking the ethical rules derived from the family. By the end of 1992 the world estimate was 12.9 million, still a probable under-estimate. If there are 110 million (out of 6000 million) HIV cases by 2000 it begins to have an effect on population growth. By 1994 WHO estimated that in Uganda as many as half those over 15 are infected. An estimate of 5,000,000 orphans in this country alone by the year 2000 was envisaged. The extended family can no longer cope, and even the clan structure may not be able to manage. This is a situation not met with in Europe since the Black Death (14th century). |
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