| 5'5 w/ Brown Eyes
| Weight
| ??? lbs
| Hometown
| Atlanta, Georgia
| Trademark Maneuver
| Alizacuranna A Hurricaranna from off the top rope
| Set Up To Finisher
| The Bombshell A Double Powerbomb
| Finisher
| Marvelocity An Elevated 5 Star Frog Splash
| Email
| Vp_Will@hotmail.com
| "The Marvelous" Alize'

:~: It has always been said that behind every good man there is a good woman and this is a proud example of it. Alize' is an 18 year old High School Graduate of Booker T. Washington high School in Banghead, Atlanta, Georgia. Inspired by her finance' Linkoln (Da Link), she is learning and is leading the charge in the ICWF.
Although her mother has problems with her decision and states that she should have went to college instead of behind Da Link, then she could do something for her life. But Alize' is in charge. Not only do she manage and watch her finance' performance in the ring, but she studies it, and with the aid of studing, she pulled off one of her biggest acheivements and that was winning the ICWF Women's Championship in June of 2002 and holding it to September of 2002.
Now, as she lead the charge for the women of the ICWF, will she serve as a rolemodel for women? The world will never know.
Apperance | She appears down the ramp with a Ric-Flair like robe and it has red and black feathers and on the back of her robe it has the words Marvelous written on the back of it.
Entrance | "Welcome to Atlanta" plays throughout the arena and all of a sudden, red and black glitter start to fall out the ceiling and all of a sudden. Alize' appears with Da Link at her side. She walks down the ramp and she gets into the ring and she walks over towards the ropes and she shows a little cleavage before bagging up in her corner..
Theme Music | "Welcome to Atlanta" by Jermaine D. and LudaCris
| Style
| All Arounder
| Overall Record
| 6-1-0
| Titles Won
| ICWF Women's Championship (1)
| Feds been in
| Awards Won
| July 2002: Manager/Valet/ Trainer of the Month | |