Chapter 16: Accessibility Options
Setting Mouse Accessibility Options If you have difficulty using a mouse or other pointing devices, if your pointing device is broken, or if you don't like to use it, turn on MouseKeys. If you have trouble using a keyboard and mouse for input, you can let Windows know you use an alternative input device. Windows also includes a number of keyboard shortcuts for giving commands from the keyboard.
Other mouse settings--including button configuration, double-click speed, and mouse pointer speed--are available on the Mouse Properties dialog box. See Chapter 13 for information on installing other pointing devices.
Controlling the Pointer by Using the Number Pad MouseKeys enables you to control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The regular mouse or other pointing device continues to work as well. To turn on MouseKeys, choose Start | Control Panel | Accessibility Options, run the Accessibility Options icon, click the Mouse tab, select the Use MouseKeys check box, and click the Settings button to display the Settings For MouseKeys dialog box, shown in Figure 16-6. You can set these options:
Figure 16-6: The Settings For MouseKeys dialog box
- Use Shortcut Turns MouseKeys on or off when you press LEFT ALT-LEFT SHIFT-NUM LOCK (hold down the ALT and SHIFT keys that appear on the left side of the keyboard near the X and Z keys, and also press the NUM LOCK key). When you turn MouseKeys on using the keyboard shortcut, Windows displays a little dialog box.
- Top Speed Sets the pointer's top speed when you hold down keys to move it.
- Acceleration Sets the speed at which the pointer accelerates when you hold down a key to move it. A faster rate of acceleration means the pointer reaches its top speed sooner.
- Hold Down Ctrl To Speed Up And Shift To Slow Down Gives you more ways to control the speed of the mouse pointer. When this option is selected, you can hold down CTRL when you want the pointer to move in big jumps across the screen, and hold down SHIFT when you want the pointer to move in smaller-than-usual increments.
- Use MouseKeys When NumLock Is On/Off Determines when the number pad keys move the mouse pointer--when NUM LOCK is on or off. If you choose the Off setting, then you can enter numbers by using the number pad when NUM LOCK is on. However, you need another set of arrows to move the cursor. (Most keyboards have a separate set of cursor motion keys.)
- Show MouseKeys Status On Screen Displays a small graphic in the notification area on the taskbar to the left of the time, as shown here:
The following list shows how to use the number pad to control the pointer when MouseKeys is on (be sure to use the keys on the numeric keys, not the equivalent keys elsewhere on your keyboard):
- Press the arrow keys to move the pointer.
- Press the - key to set MouseKeys to click the right mouse button whenever you press the 5 key.
- Press the / key to set MouseKeys to click the left mouse button whenever you press the 5 key.
- Press the * key to set MouseKeys to click both mouse buttons whenever you press the 5 key.
- Press the 5 key to click (with left or right mouse button, depending whether you last pressed - or /) whatever the pointer is on.
- Press the + key to double-click whatever the pointer is on.
- Press the 0 or INSERT key to begin dragging (the equivalent of holding down the mouse button). Move the item by pressing the arrow keys on the number pad. Drop the item (release the mouse button) by pressing the "." or DELETE key.
Configuring an Alternative Input Device If you're using an alternative input device (something other than the keyboard and a mouse), and you want to connect that device to a serial port, turn on the Use Serial Keys option on the General tab of the Accessibility Options dialog box (shown in Figure 16-7). Choose Start | Control Panel | Accessibility Options, run the Accessibility Options program, and click the General tab if it's not selected. Use the Settings button to choose the serial port and baud rate for the device.
Figure 16-7: The General tab of the Accessibility Options dialog box