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Chapter 32: Formatting and Partitioning Disks


Using CD-ROMs and Audio CDs

Because CD-ROMs (CDs containing software) and audio CDs (CDs containing sound) are prerecorded at the factory, no preparation is needed to use them. Just insert them in the drive, and Windows recognizes them. If a CD-ROM contains an AutoRun program (that is, a file named Autorun.inf in the root folder of the CD-ROM, containing instructions for what program to run), Windows runs it. On audio CDs, Windows runs the Windows Media Player application automatically, turning your computer into a CD player--useful if you like background music while you work.

tip If you don't want the AutoRun program on a CD-ROM to run, or you don't want Windows to start playing an audio CD, open the drive, insert the disk, and hold down the SHIFT key while closing the drive--keep the SHIFT key down until you are sure no program has started.

If the CD-ROM that you insert contains audio or video files (i.e., MP3 or AVI video), a dialog box appears asking what you would like to do with the media contained on the disk. Your options are to either play the files or to open an Explorer window displaying the items. Checking the Always Do The Selected Action check box causes Windows to either play or display the files for that disk.

note Unlike previous versions of Windows, Windows XP has no way to turn off Autorun from the CD-ROM drive's Properties dialog box. One thing you can do is hold the SHIFT key when closing the drive door. Autorun does not operate when you hold down the SHIFT key.
