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Chapter 3: Installing Programs


Chapter Introduction

Windows XP comes with a number of useful programs, and many new computers come with lots more software preinstalled, but you'll want to install some programs yourself sooner or later. For example, you might want to install some of the programs included on the Windows XP CD-ROM that may not have been installed on your system.

Or, you may want to do just the reverse--uninstall programs that you no longer use or that are outdated. You can free up some disk space by uninstalling Windows components that you never use. Windows comes with a built-in system for installing and uninstalling programs.

When you install a program, Windows keeps track of what types of files the program can create and edit. You can change which program Windows uses to open each file type.

tip Windows XP omits a few programs that came with Windows 98 and Me, including FrontPage Express (a Web page editor) and Microsoft Chat. If you upgraded your system from an older version of Windows, though, these programs may still be installed.
