Chapter 37: Windows XP Configuration Files
Configuring DOS and Older Windows Programs to Run Under Windows XP Most previous versions of Windows ran "on top" of DOS--that is, DOS loaded first, and then Windows loaded, continuing to run DOS for basic operating system functions. Windows XP doesn't load DOS; it performs these operating system functions itself.
You rarely need to run DOS itself. All recent versions of Windows programs are designed to work directly with Windows rather than requiring DOS. However, some older legacy programs that were written when DOS ran "beneath" Windows require DOS to run. Legacy programs include programs written to run directly under DOS, and Windows programs that call on DOS for operating system services. (Many older games are legacy programs.) Like Windows Me, Windows XP comes with a DOS Virtual Machine (VM), which simulates DOS, displaying the DOS prompt and responding to DOS commands. See the section "Configuring the DOS Environment" in Chapter 39 for how to configure DOS and Windows 3.1 programs to run under Windows XP.