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Chapter 21: Configuring Windows to Work with Your Modem


Chapter Introduction

Before you connect to the Internet (or any other computer) using a modem, you must install your modem, whether you use a conventional modem and phone line, or a high-speed broadband DSL (Digital Subscriber Loop) line, cable modem, or ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network ) line.

Once your modem isinstalled, you're ready to read Chapter 22 to sign up for a new Internet account or set up Windows to connect to an existing account.

note If you connect to the Internet over a local area network (LAN) rather than by using a modem, contact your LAN system administrator. If you are the system administrator, see Chapter30.

If you use a dial-up modem (with a regular or ISDN line) with a laptop, you may want to set up a dialing location for each telephone line from which you dial, so that Windows knows when to dial 1 and the area code. If you charge the cost of your calls to a telephone calling card, you can configure Windows to dial the digits to charge your calling card automatically.
