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Chapter 36: Other Windows XP Resources


Updating Your Computer Automatically with Automatic Updates

If you've used your Windows XP for more than a few days, you may have seen a little Update Reminder balloon appear above the notification area at the right end of the taskbar, asking you to configure Windows to update itself automatically over the Internet. This message comes from Automatic Updates, a Windows feature that contacts Microsoft over the Internet, checks for Windows updates, downloads them, and installs them. You can configure Automatic Updates to ask you before downloading or installing updates.

You have two ways to configure Automatic Updates:

Figure 36-3: Configuring the Automatic Update system

The Notification Settings give you three options:

If Automatic Updates are enabled, and new updates are available for you to download an install, an icon appears in the notification area on the taskbar, and a balloon might appear, like this:

Click the icon or balloon to display the Automatic Updates Ready To Install dialog box (shown in Figure 36-4), which asks whether you want to install them. Click the Details button to see a list of the downloaded updates. Click Install to install the updates you choose. Click Remind Me Later if now is not a convenient time to install them (for example, you don't want to restart Windows).
Figure 36-4: Automatic Updates has downloaded an update to Windows and asks whether you want to install it.

If you decide not to install an update you've downloaded, Windows deletes it from your hard disk. However, you can decide to install it later. From the Automatic Updates tab of the System Properties dialog box, click the Restore Declined Updates button to display a list of the updates that you decided not to install. You can choose which items you want to install after all. The next time Automatic Updates checks the Microsoft site for updates, it includes the items you specify.
