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Chapter 36: Other Windows XP Resources


What Other Materials Are Available on the Internet?

Windows is a popular topic on the Internet. A number of Windows-related Web sites and newsgroups are not connected to or sponsored by Microsoft.

Web Sites

These Web sites provide information on a variety of computer-related issues, including Windows:

note Information on the Internet changes quickly. To search the Web for other Windows-related information, see "Searching for Web Pages" in Chapter 24.

Usenet Newsgroups

Newsgroups are discussion arenas on the Internet. In addition to the newsgroups hosted by Microsoft, many other newsgroups, unaffiliated with Microsoft, discuss Windows topics.

To find newsgroups about Windows, run Outlook Express or your favorite newsreader and search for newsgroups with win in the newsgroup name. Most should be in the comp (computing) hierarchy, but you may find them in the alt or other hierarchies as well.

tip When you are searching for newsgroups, you can enter as few or as many characters as you like. The more characters you enter, the narrower the search. For example, a search for "Windows" will not show newsgroups with "WinXP" in the title.

If you can't find the type of discussion you want in the newsgroups listed on your ISP's news server, use the Web site as a resource for newsgroup information. The Google Groups Web site lets you search past newsgroup articles. You can search for newsgroup messages containing a word or phrase, or you can read messages from newsgroups that do not appear on your news server.

As of August 2001, only one newsgroup is dedicated to Windows By the time you read this, other newsgroups may have formed. You might want to start at,, and three newsgroups are for Windows NT, but most also include information about Windows 2000 and XP.

Mailing Lists

Many mailing lists discuss various versions and aspects of Windows, and Windows XP-specific lists will pop up as people upgrade to the product. To find mailing lists that discuss Windows XP, or e-mail-based "tip-a-day" newsletters with Windows XP tips, go to the Topica Web site at and search for "Windows" or "Windows XP." For more information about how to subscribe to and participate in mailing lists, go to the List Gurus Web site at
