The Long Awaited Calvin and Hobbes Part!
This is a disclaimer, firmly stating that I am not the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, which has been orignially created by Bill Waterson. This is a decoration for my website, and I once again state that I am not the creator of Calvin and Hobbes. So there, Universal Press Syndicate, one less lawsuit for you!
I love this one because its totally represents my school life. Seriously, coming this next report card my bags are packed and I'm ready to jump on that freight train. Though none of y'all are in any trouble, noooo of course not. You're the perfect people. The smart people. The . .need I go on? Enough said. :-)
This is me on every level. How many times has this happened to y'all? Not at all, I bet. But I cant stress enough how many times this has happened to me in class. "Jessalyn, can you tell me the answer to this extremely easy linear equation?" "Not really, but I can in fact recite the entire poem of 'Yukon Ho!' from Calvin and Hobbes." *shakes head*
This is me in respone to the perfect people. While I get my normal 3.6/ keep goin ahead and strivin for that impossible 4.6---is that nuts or what?? It is for me...but hey, why not?
Calvin and Hobbes Animation
Calvin and Hobbes Quotes
Calvin and Hobbes Poems
OKAY...a lot of this stuff on here came from: