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-- But if you haven't heard, Christy is the story of a 19 year old girl who thinks she should go deep into the NC mountains into a tiny town called Cutter Gap to teach kids, and to teach herself (sappy or what?? You think thats bad, watch the beginning the TV series in which she states:"The Great Smokies. When I left my city home to be a schoolteacher at a backwoods mission, I dreamed of adventure. I wasn't ready for the real challenges of life in these mountains. I'd have given up, if not for the children. I came to Cutter Gap to teach but they show me everyday I'm here to learn.")She ultimatly falls in love with 2 guys: David the preacher and Neil the doc of the cove. Hmm, its a very hard choice to make. While of course, everyone is pulling for the guy in accent, she also has this great guy David (aka James Waterston) at her feet.