BUWHAHAHAHHAHA....how stupid were these angelfire people to give me my own space to roam, you think? Well, the deal is I know how impatient y'all were to see my website...cause i've been working on it for so long. So here's the grand-opening for this site. and I must say, I'm darn proud of certain parts. Well, i better stop stalling and tell you why I'm so late in opening it. Well, the deal is this: I wanted to have it completely finished by the time ya got to see it. and well, I dont it. And come to think of it, its ingenious. Now you guys HAVE TO come back to check back for changes. Now isnt that just plain amazing? Just like me to skip the common sense part, right? So now you know that they aren't all done....its good to go.
Okay...so what now? You see a coupla links at the bottom and are like....are you joking?? It took you this long to do that?? Well, here's the reason: there is a LOT of links inside those pages. For instance, in the friends pages, there's links to Tada, Allison, Alyssa, AnG, Stacey etc in those. In OC, there's MutantX, Christy, Calvin and Hobbes, and one mystery guy. See what I mean? Hope you understand it....cause if not, oh well. I dont feel like explaining it anymore.
How's Life?
Is it February already?!?
Is it March already?!?
Is it April already?!?
Is it May already?!?
Is it June already?!?
Is it July already?!?
Is it August already?!?
Jess's own Twilight Zone!
Friend's Page!
Obsessive Compulsive