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It's purple for a reason, cause its supposed to represent royalty, and praise y'all, cause ya are! :-D I dont put purple on just for anything. Be proud, be purple! haha. Well, I'm sure y'all are anxious to check out if you're on the list of perfect people! Well, if so, you should be listed at the bottom. If you're not, thats okay, because just ask me why you're not, and if its mistake i'll jot ya back up here. See? No harm done.

Now, now. What is a perfect person? A perfect person, by definition from Webster's dictionary is:
perfect-'p&r-fiktn Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English parfit, from Old French, from Latin perfectus, from past participle of perficere to carry out, perfect, from per- thoroughly + facere to make, do —more at DO
Date: 14th century 1 a : being entirely without fault or defect : FLAWLESS b : satisfying all requirements : ACCURATE c : corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept d : faithfully reproducing the original; specifically : LETTER-PERFECT e : legally valid
3 a : PURE, TOTAL b : lacking in no essential detail : COMPLETE c : obsolete : SANE d : ABSOLUTE, UNEQUIVOCAL e : of an extreme kind : UNMITIGATED

4 : obsolete : MATURE

and then....

Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural people
Etymology: Middle English peple, from Old French peuple, from Latin populus
Date: 13th century
1 : plural : human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest
2 : plural : HUMAN BEINGS, PERSONS — often used in compounds instead of persons
3 : plural : the members of a family or kinship
4 : plural : the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class ; often used by Communists to distinguish Communists from other people
5 : plural peoples : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute a politically organized group.

Well, y'all be proud! We've actually gotten to actual list! Now, who has been grand enough to grace my list? the following does, in no particular order (just whatever happens to wander across my mind)Oh and btw, click on their name for their page!:
Well, thats all I can really think of right now, but i'll return later for more (if there are). Congrats if ya are already on!