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Welcome to the submit a house page. Your house should have not too many user crated walls and floors (ten max.) and please not too many user created objects (max. from three sites.) And remember, not all people want big expensive mansions that they have to cheat to buy. Nice starter homes and medium sized homes are good too. To submit a house, E-mail me the following in a .zip file (preferably:)
  • The house .iff file
  • A text file containing the following: your name, your e mail, the name of your house, a description of the house, the lot number, and furnished: yes or no, and the url of where you got any objects that are in your house. (please no more than three sites, people who download the houses don't want to look for objects for forever.)
  • Two pics of the house, from the sims web page only. One of the exterior and one of the second or first story. They should be in a .jpg format.
  • any user created walls and floors (please no more than ten)

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