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Acuscope Studies Dogs

Current Dogs being treated by Marie MacInnes. Sherman is a yellow lab who is pigeon toed and has a strained tendon. He loves to jump and run and play which resulted in constant straining of his deep flexor tendon. He has responded very well to the acuscope and myopulse treatments and is able to still run and play. He no longer limps but does require follow up treatments due to his comformation.

Sugar is a 14 year old border collie dingo mix who has developed arthritis in her back. She was having problems going up stairs. After one treatment she was running up the stairs with no problem.

Ivory is a 4 year old german shephard who occasionally shows signs of hip displasia. After one treatment the pain in gone is his hips and only requires treatment every six months.

Bently a 7 year old cavalier couldn't make it up the stairs. The owner took him to the vet and x rays were done and nothing could be found wrong. A neurologist looked at him and said that he couldn't find anything wrong. The first day I worked on him I found low blood flow in the front end and back and inflammation in the hind end. I treated all areas accordingly with the acuscope. When I came back two days later for his second treatment the owner said he ran around like crazy after I left from the first treatment and he can wag his tail fully. I didn't know at the time of his first treatment that he could not wag his tail. This indicated nerve damage and continued treatments. The dog has improved after several treatments and it has taken a while to bring proper blood flow through his back but he is improving every day.

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