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The Story...

A long time ago in the world of Terra. Two Kinships, "The Avion Kinship" and "The Braveheart Kinship", were threatened by the surrounding kingdoms. The once noble and wealthy kinships had been at war for so many years that all the wealth had been used to form massive armies. Their lands were left in ruins and villages and towns had been burned to the ground. The two kinships began to loose hope of restoring peace to their land. Then a tragedy happened. Avion, one of the leaders, died. His son, a young Mage named Nosferatu, took over the control of "The Avion Kinship". He did not want his once so beautiful land to end in the hands of the enemy kingdoms. He called for a meeting between the two kinships. The meeting was to be held on the top of a mountain which was right on the border of each kinship. There, the young Mage, suggested that instead of fighting the enemy kingdoms seperately, they should join forces and fight off the enemy armies for good. The other kinship leader was silent. Minutes past. Then, he looked up and said only two words..."Let's unite". The tension in the room dropped like a frozen bird from the sky. The leaders looked relaxed at each other and you could see the future in their eyes. The same day they signed a pact and The Kinship Alliance was born.