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::TeSt I ToOk::

Hey, guess what? I'm a--

I'm a Black Yoshi!

Don't like your result? Take the quiz again!

I am 61-80% Ghetto

I AM ghetto. And you know this- MAN.

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the McDonalds Product Test by Matio64 here!


You are full of energy and impulsivness. You Enjoy being in power both in your career and in your sex life. You are extroverted and very passionate about what you believe in.

Find out your color at!

If I was an Autobot, I'd be: Optimus Prime
Click to see what Autobot you could be!
Take the Transformers personality test at!

You're Auron, Spira's most famous Guardian! Often very cold, you're also very resourceful. You have a very good public image, and its not uncommon for people to look up to you, and even want to be you! You always keep your promises, no matter what.
Which Final Fantasy X Character would YOU be? Take the test.

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Which PPG are you?

click here to take some more great tests at internet junk
No gain, no pain! You are the Brown M&M
You are beyond cautious and it seems like 'fun' is a foreign concept to you- live it up every now and then and you'll see just how much you are missing!

A Supra!?! You must have some big nuts. Or at least some
big power. You are the true appreciator of automobiles. Twin
turbo inline-six and rear wheel drive can't say anything else
but VROOM!

Find out which car you drive!

:: how jedi are you? ::

Scott Summers
I'm Scott Summers
What X-Men Character are You?

See what Rugrat you are.

I'm Joey Tribbiani from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by stomps.

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?