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Advanced PowerPoint Concepts



Add a Desgin Template


Powerpoint incudles its own set of pre-defined templates, with these templates you can create stunning presentations. You can apply a desgin template to a new presentation or an existing presentation.


  1. From the format menu choose Slide Desgin



  1. Powerpoint’s selection of desgin templates will appear on the right side of your screen.



  1. Single Click on the desgin template that you wish to use.





Change the Layout


Each PowerPoint slide that you create has its own predefined layout. Just like the design templates you can change the predefined layout before or durning a presentation.


  1. From the format menu choose Slide Layout. 



  1. Powerpoints selection of predefined layouts will appear on the right side of your screen.



  1. Single click the predefined template that you wish to use.



Insert ClipArt


All Mircosoft Office applications contain a clipart gallery from which you can add clipart. If you cannot find the picture that you want to use in the clipart gallery you can always download one from the web.

  1. From the Insert Menu chooe Picture and then click on ClipArt


  1. If this is the first time that you have used the clipart gallery you may get  a message about adding clips to the organizer go ahead and click on Later. You can always performt this action later.


  1. The ClipArt gallery will appear on the right of your screen.



4. Enter the name of the picture that you want to insert into the PowerPoint here. For example if I wanted a picture of a dog, I would type dog and click search.



     5.  A picture of a dog appears, click the down arrow and then click insert.



6.      Now you will want to resize your picture. Click the top right white sizing handle while

while holding on your mouse button drag across with your mouse.




7.      Release the mouse button when the picture of the dog is the correct size. You also may

want to change the placement of your picture. Single click on the dog your pointer will turn into a mulit – directional arrow, while holding down on the mouse button move the

picture of the dog to the bottom left of your screen.



Finding More ClipArt on the Web


Microsoft’s website contains an online ClipArt gallery with thousands of pictures. You must have an internet connection to perform this exercise.


1.      From the Insert menu choose Picture and then click ClipArt.


2.      Click the Clips Online button on the lower right of your screen.







3.      Your Web Browser should connect you to Microsoft Online ClipArt Gallery.


4.      In the search box type flower and click Go



5.      Right click the picture of the flower that you want and click copy.



6. ACCEPT the agreement, click on the PowerPoint button on your toolbar, select paste from                      the Edit Menu.


   7. Resize the ClipArt Image



Add WordArt


With WordArt you can create colorful text


  1. From the Insert Menu choose picture and then WordArt.


  1. The WordArt gallery will appear double click on a style that you like.



  1. Enter your text and click ok



  1. Resize just like you would any other ClipArt Picture



Using The Master Slide


Suppose you had already created a presentation and you want to change the background color. Instead of clicking each slide individually you can use the Master Slide.


  1. Hold down the Shift Key and click on the slide view.
  2. You are now in the Master Slide view from here you can edit the master slide so that the changes will efect every other slide in the presentation.