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To Turn On Your Macintosh

Most Macintosh computers have a triangle key on the keyboard (refer to the picture of the keyboard in this book), Other Macs have a switch on the back or front of them Flip switch to on.

To Turn Off Your Macintosh

Turning off your Macintosh is called shutting down, the reason you can`t just shut off its power is because the computer could be in the middle of doing something reading/writing to hard disk or something else. If you Kick the power off the computer could start up with errors.

1. Go to Special > Shutdown

To Run a Program

1. Find the folder of the program you wish to run.

2. Double click on the programs icon.


To Exit an Active Program

1. Go to File > Quit
To Switch Between Open Programs

One of the great things about a Macintosh is that you can have as many programs as you what running at once (depending on your mac Os version, and how much memory you have on your system)

1. Open Notepad Apple Menu > Notepad

2. Open Scrapbook Apple Menu > Scrapbook

3. Open the Application menu

4. Switch between the open programs

To Close an Open Window
1. Click on the close box.

To Resize a Window
1. Click on the resize button.

To Scroll Through Text

You have a full page of typed text, you can`t see all of it.

1. Click on the up button to go up

2. Click on the down button to go down
Down UP Newer versions of Mac Os
Mac Os 8 and above use two arrows on the bottom of the scroll bar to move around.


To Save a Document

1. Open Microsoft Works or your word processing program

2. Type something

3. Click file > save

4. Select a floppy disk or a hard drive to save your document.

5. Type a file name

6. Click Save

To Load a Saved document

1. Click File > Open

2. Select the location of the saved file

3. Highlight the saved file

4. Click Open

To Print A Document

1. Click File > Print

( The next step will depend on which type off printer you will be using)

2. Make sure the printer has load paper, the power is on, IMAGE WRITER LASERWRITER make sure the print select button is on.

4. Select the number of copies

5. Click Print

Deleting A File

1. Locate the file you wish to delete

2. Drag the file into the trash

Emptying The Trash

When you delete a file it waits in the trash can. until the computer is turned off or the trash is emptied

1. Click File > Empty Trash

Creating a New Folder

1. File > New Folder

2. Type a new name for this folder

To Clean Up Icons

1. Click Special > Clean up Window
Mac Os 8 and above: I. Click View > Clean Up

To Change The Size/Order Of The Icons

1. Click View > Large Icons, Small Icons
Mac Os 8 and above: I. Click View > View Options
Make changes from this dialog box, when done click OK.

The Control Panels

To Change Date and Time

Click On the apple menu> Control Panels > Date&Time

(System 7.1 and above will use the date and time control panel
system 7.0 users and below will use the general controls)

1. Type in the Current Date

2. Type in the Current Time

3. Change the time zone if you are in the correct one.

4. Close Window

Change The Desktop Pattern

1. Click on the Apple Menu > Control Panels > Desktop Patterns

2. Scroll Through the desktop patterns until you find the right one.

3. Click (set desktop pattern)

4. Close Window
Mac Os 8 and above
1. Click on the Apple Menu > Control Panels > Appearance
2. Select the Themes Tab
3. There are many different themes to choose from. The Themes Tab changes your Icon Font, Desktop Patterns, and system sounds. *if choose the wrong theme and you don`t like it you can use the Mac Os default theme.*

4. Click on the theme you want
5. Close the window, by clicking on the close box
Change The Volume

1. Click the Apple Menu > Control Panels > Sound

2. Pull down the Pull bar select volumes

3. Sidle the knob up or down to change volume

4. Close Window

Floppy Disks

To Format a floppy disk

( If own a Imac computer you already know that you do not have a floppy disk drive. Which is a same and a big hassle. You have to buy a Disk Drive separately. There are good deals out there, make sure you buy one that plugs into a USB port.)

Before a computer can use a disk it needs to be formatted t0 data. Much like a park lot the format draws lines to tell data were to park.

1. Insert a floppy disk , Wait a minute ..............

2. A box saying Completely erase disk named "" , if this does not happen Highlight the floppy disk go to special > Erase Disk

Warning: Formatting a disk erases all information all ready
on the Disk!

3. Click on erase

4. Wait a few minutes when the disk is done formatting, it is ready to hold data.

To Copy Two Disks

Most Macintosh have one internal floppy drive and one hard drive, So if you what to make a copy of two floppy disks with one floppy drive, you have to use the hard drive for a holding place.

1. Insert the First floppy disk (THE DISK TO BE COPIED)

2. Drag the floppy disk into the hard drive.

3. Wait a minute .....

4. Drag the disk into the trash can (NO THIS DOES NOT ERASE THE DISK IT JUST EJECTS THE DISK)

5. Insert a blank floppy disk.

6. Drag the folder into the new floppy disk.

To Copy Folders and Documents into a floppy disk

5. Insert a blank floppy disk.

6. Drag the folder into the new floppy disk.

Ejecting A Disk

1. Drag the disk into the trash can (NO THIS DOES NOT ERASE THE DISK IT JUST EJECTS THE DISK)

Where to go for help

You have a help system right on your computer. It is called the macintosh guide.

1. Go to the help icon on the top of your screen.

2. Drag down to the macintosh guide and click on it.

3. Click on the Topics icon.

4. Click a topic area

5. Click a phrase, then click ok

Using Help Center MAC OS 8 AND ABOVE
1. Click Help > Mac Help

You can search for a help topic by using the search feature.

3. Type in a topic and click search

4. Click the search topic to view the help topic.

You Can Find a Help Topic By Browsing.

1. Click Mac Help

2. Click the help topic category , then click the item you wish to find help on.

A very important little note
when you what to close a program, or cancel an a frozen program or task.
1. Command . key or Command Period