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To start using the internet.

Hopefully somebody has all ready set-up your computer to access the internet. if not make sure you meet the requirements on the introduction page, then find an internet service provider such as American On-line, MSN, Compuserve or Southwestern Bell.

I will be working a Macintosh Computer System, which is similar to Windows.

• Open the internet connection.
MACINTOSH: FreePPP or Romote Access.
WINDOWS: Dail up networking.
(if you are in a office or school network or you a cable modem you can skip the above step).


• Make sure your users name and password are entered.
• Click Connect

If you have speakers attached to your computer. You here some high pitched noise this is normal. Your computer and the computer you are dialing into are establishing a connection.

• Open your browser, it should be either Mircosoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator depending on your computer set-up.

• There should be a shortcut or Alias on your desktop, of Mircosoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. If not follow the bellow directions.

MACINTOSH: open by double - clicking Macintosh HD, Internet folder, Internet Applications, Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Navigator™ Folder.
WINDOWS: Click Start > Programs > Netscape or Internet Explorer.


• The Netscape or Internet Explorer program should be on the screen. It will start with a home page were you can check local weather, news and sports you will find out more of this on your own. Another thing you can do is search for information.


Netscape`s toolbar

Internet Explorer`s toolbar

Back: moves back one page
Forward: moves forward one page
Reload: Reloads current page
Home: takes you back to the home page
Guide: Netscape Stuff
Images: loads images on a page
Print: Send the current page to the printer.
Security: used mainly when you enter your credit number on a page ( do not do this, until you know for sure)
Stop: stops loading the current page.
Blank area or the address bar: uses this to type in a favorite web site ( note web site address begin with www.) example

Entering a search term:

Click on the search box type what in what you are looking for.

Then click search or press the enter key on your keyboard.

• A number of result should appear, click the blue underlined text, this is called a link.

Macintosh Themes
(This is an description of the web page always read this so you know you have the right page)

WEB ADDRESS - www. page .com


Scroll bars - scroll through the web page
IMAGE - graphic/ picture file


LINKS - Main homepage or server
-down- - my homepage second page
-down- - the page your are now looking at
Think of a notebook, the first page would be the homepage.
The pages following the first page would be links.
( you use your back button to move through linked pages)

• First dial up an internet connection.
• Open your browser
• Search for a topic
• Click on the link, underline text to enter the topic.
• Parts of a web page.
• Links

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