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To create a new spreadsheet:

2. open Mircosoft works (or other speadsheet program such as Mircosoft Excel)

2. choose new spreadsheet

Setting Column width:

1. Highlight the cells that you wish to change the column width of.

2. Select Format form the file menu.

3. From the format menu select column width.

4. You can enter a number up to 32, however if you enter 3 and the values or formulas in your cell have more than 3 characters in them the spreadsheet will produce an error, like this: ########## in each cell.

Changing the spreadsheet font:

1. Highlight the cells that you wish to change the font of.

2. Select format from the file menu.

Changing the Number Appearance of the Values:

1. Select Format from the file menu

2. Select Number from the type box.

3. Select the format of values you wish to use.

4. You may change the decimal places the defat is 2 places.

To Print A Speadsheet:

1. From the file menu select print

2. In the print dialog box, select the number of copies, then print

3. Click Print to print the document

To Save Your Speadsheet:

1. From the file menu select save as.

2. type the file name

3. click on save.