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Basic Word Processing With The Macintosh


No matter which word processing program you have installed. The Basics of word processing skills still apply. With this guide will be working with the to most common word processing programs Microsoft Word for the Mac“ and Word Perfect for the Mac®.
Their are two basics steps in word processing entering text and editing text. With a typewriter you could only enter text their was no way of correcting. But with a computer you can easily go back and make corrections. Lets first get started with entering text.

Table Of Contents


Entering Text 1
Editing Text 2
Formatting Documents 4
Using Spell Check 7
Printing a Document 9

Entering Text

To start a document, you simply begin typing as you would on a typewriter. Type the following sentence:

Memo Press the return key twice

The following is my best guess for a production schedule.

Please keep in mind that it is subject to change once reality gets underway.

Let me know if I’m cheating anyone of the time he or she needs, or if I’m not allowing for the black holes.

Text starts at the left edge of the word processing window and extends across the screen as you type. When the text reaches the right margin, it automatically wraps down to the next line - you don’t have to press the Return key to move to the next line. This feature is called word wrapping.

Finish this paragraph by adding the closing . The blinking cursor should now be in the space after the period at the end of holes.
Press the Return key three times and then type the following:

Yours Truly,
Sally Jones
Production Manager

Congratulations you have now typed your first memo! You are now ready to begin the section Editing Text.

Editing Text

Before we start editing text, it would be best to save the work we have done so far.

1. Choose Save From The File Menu

A dialog box appears. When your Macintosh needs information from you, it presents a dialog box with buttons to click, such as OK or Cancel, and may include a place for you to type additional information.

The dialog box appears now called a directory dialog box. It gives you a different view of the same directory you see in a directory on the desktop. It also gives you serval options - including the chance to save your document on any disk you choose. For now we are going to save to the default location which should be the documents folder on the harddrive.

2. Type First Memo in the text box.

The Memo document is safely saved on the harddrive.

1. Move the insertion point by clicking in front of the s in the word subject.

You’re moving the insertion point where you want to add text.

2. Type not.

What you type appears at the insertion point. (Don’t forget to add a space after not.) You probably noticed that when you added text, the words on the other lines rewrapped to accommodate the extra word.

3. Select the entire sentence by positioning the pointer after the period that follows the word schedule and dragging to the end of the sentence.

First drag down, and then drag to the right. (Be sure to include the period at the end of the sentence.) If you move the pointer off the sentence, you might select more then just the sentence. If this happens, just start dragging over again; nothing unexpected can happen while your selecting text.

4. Choose Cut from the Edit menu

The Sentence vanishes. Whenever you choose Cut or Copy from the Edit menu, whatever you cut or copy is put in a holding place called the Clipboard, ready for you to paste it to a different location if you want. (You use Copy when you want to leave the selected text where it is and put a copy of it somewhere else. Copy works just like Cut, expect it leaves the text you selected in the document.)

5. Move the insertion point by clicking after the period that follows the word holes.

6. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.

The contents of the Clipboard - in this case, the sentence you just cut - are pasted into the location you selected.

The contents stay on the Clipboard until you replace them by choosing Cut or Copy again (or shut down the computer)

7. Select the last sentence in the paragraph. (the one you just pasted from the clipboard)

6. Press the Delete Key.

This removes the select text. In this case we removed the last sentence of the paragraph.

Now would be a good time to save your work again.

8. Choose Save from the file menu.

This time no dialog box appears because you have already entered a filename and a location for your document.

Formatting Documents

One of the great things about computers is that you can change the Appearance of your document. You can easily bold a single letter so that it will stand out. You can easily change fonts without switching anything like you would have to on a typewriter.

1. Select the word Memo at the top of the screen.

2. Click the bold and center buttons on the standard toolbar.

Microsoft Word

Wordperfect Users

Click, Click Bold and click center.

Notice that the word Memo is centered and bolded.

3. Select the entire paragraph

4. Click the Center Button

Microsoft Word


The document is now centered on the screen. Now lets change the font and font size.

5. Select the entire paragraph including the word memo at the top.

6. Select the font “Helvetica” from the font menu, and select 18 point form the font size menu.

Microsoft Word

Word Perfect

8. Lets make the document double spaced

Microsoft Word
From the Format menu choose paragraph

Click Ok

Wordperfect pull down the line spacing menu and choose 2

Your document should now look like this:

9. Save the document (refer to step 8 in Editing Text)

Using Spell Check

Your computer can check the spelling of your document and make suggestions.

Microsoft Word

1. Click the spell checker icon on the standard toolbar.

1. Click the spell checker icon on the standard toolbar

Their should be no spelling errors in the memo document. But if you have accidentally misspelled a word the spell checker would make a suggestion and ask you to change the misspelled word.

Click the correct spelling of the word and click change
If the spelling was correct like a person’s name click Ignore.

Printing a Document

1. From the File Menu choose Print

The Print dialog box will appear

Enter the number of copies you want in the copies text box, for now let’s just print one copy.
You can also select the page range. For example I have a ten page document and I only want to print pages 1 - 3. I would enter 1 in the first box and 3 in the second.
I could also change the quality of the printout (this depends on the printer model you have) slide the bar to speed.

Make sure that your printer is on and has paper. (IMAGEWRITER make sure the select light is on)

2. Click Print

3. Save the document (refer to step 8 in Editing Text)

Close your word processor by choosing Quit from the File menu.

Congratulations you have successfully created and formatted a document!

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