The purpose of the Macintosh Revolution is to provide a resource of information that explains why Macintosh is superior to Windows. There are people that know the truth about Mac; you may know one or you may be one yourself. The truth is that those who favor Windows (known as Windoids or PC lusers) greatly outnumber us Mac addicts due to Microsoft's cleaver and less than honest marketing techniques. For this reason when people think of computers they automatically think PCs and Windows.

I have found out from personal experience that it is impossible to argue with a Windoid. It's not as if they actually have a real argument, it is that Microsoft has instilled such ignorance into its customers they refuse to listen. You must instead show them information, and that's where this site comes in. This may sound corney, but knowledge is power. This technique has worked on several people I know after endless hours of pointlessly trying to argue with them to no effect.

If you are a Mac addict check out the Articles/Evange section and arm yourself with knowledge. If you just realized you are experiencing the symptoms of Windoidism please check out that section as well, and remember to keep an open mind. To Mac addicts who know someone like this print up some infocards and use them to spread the knowledge of this site.

There are, however, some who have been brainwashed by Microsoft for so long that they have become permanent PC lusers. These are the ones to watch out for; they will seize every opportunity to sabotage our efforts to tell the truth about Mac. Don't even attempt to try and argue with them. Give them an infocard, but they will most likely not come here. If they do I usually receive a nasty letter in my inbox. In short, just try and avoid these individuals, content in the knowledge that they have to put up with Windows. If you feel you must help out with this site in a small or large way click here.

Good luck, and if you feel discouraged just remember that this site is behind you. If you have any concerns or questions about any content here feel free to email me.


Bob McDonald, AKA Macman