Everyone knows that Xpee was only released to LOOK LIKE it could compete with OS X. Xpee is only a toy (I keep looking for the Fisher Price symbol whenever I use it). Microsoft tried to capture the sweet aqua look of OS X but just missed, making it look like a child's play thing.
Second of all, my OS X has never crashed and I've never heard of one case where it has crashed since its release. OS X is about as functional as it gets, completely redesigned from OS 9 for ease of use and more compatability, while Xpee is nothing more than Windows 2000, redressed and made up to look pretty.
Even one of my friends who is a complete Windows zombie admitted that Xpee had problems. A few months back he switched from 2000 to Xpee and was very happy at first, but bad things started to happen (I don't recall exactly what). Nothing major, but after a month or so of trying to cope with Microsoft's newest OS he finally gave up and went back to 2000. Don't try and tell me that this was an isolated incident, because even if it was, Xpee could still not possibly be a solid OS.