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Audrey's Web Page!!

Hey There!

<---He's the MAN!

Hey There, If you visiting this page, you should know who I am.. heh...If you dont know me, well, I'm not that interesting...But many people think I am...I just love to draw, and play video games...I love first shooter games like Half Life(Couter-Strike) And Quake... My FAVORITE video game of all times has to be Final Fantasy X...Ya, this game is awesome. Well, this page is pretty much, i got nothing to say, really...I'm just gonna say HI to all my friends out there including My love Alfred(I LOVE YOU!!!), Mike(Nerdy Whore), Kevin(Ohh yea...BonBon... ^_^), Trevor(Let's go wrestle in mud again!),Brandon(Whatever happened to June 2nd?), Charles(My Best Friend In the WHOLE world!), Oreo, and Sincere... And if I forgot yer name on here, doesn't mean i don't think about you! I'll try to put up some more drawings of mine, but first, i need to figure out for now, you can Click On This Link. This is a Web site dedicated to people who draw Fantasy Art, FanArt, sci-fi art, or Poetry. This is an Excellent site. Maybe you should join too! OH! and um...While yer at it, Leave a lil comment on one of my drawings!! THANKS!!

Me in France...And DAMN those french keyboards!!
Alfred'sPage...(That I somewhat helped making ;) )
My Artwork...
My Pictures...