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Developing the ear from birth. Business Proposal; Outline of talk and demonstration. The following is an outline of a talk and audio visual demonstration.
Parent-puchased products for the home are marked "P" and "H"; the Teacher-purchased products are marked "T"; advanced material is marked "A".

I. Hypothesis: Da-di Songs will increase musical aptitude and ability if:

A. Introduced early in life
.....1. heard as lullabies at birth "La-lu, Lay". This is the two-syllable system using "La-lu" for the minor third groups; the third syllable "Lay" is a rhyming syllable replacing "La" at the ends of phrases or sections. (P1)
.....2. prior teaching songs are heard as
........a. background music in the home (P1-5; H1-3)
........b. nursery rhymes sung at home and school(P5)
........c. story books read by parent(P3, P4)
........d. animated cartoon musicals (P4 could be animated)
........e. instrumental melodies heard in video games
.....3. used to teach very simple note reading early in life
........a. hand signs, two notes shown (P2)
........b. Kindergarten (P5, some of T1)
........c. 1st grade (T1, H1)

B. They become part of the culture of families
.....1. Parents who sing in church choirs are exposed to sight singing materials (A1-5), and then decide to buy recordings and books to use at home for family instruction (P1-5; H1-3).
.....2. Young children hear more advanced material sung by adults and older children in the home; the advanced material relates in their mind to the simple material. All the material is related and feeds the mind.
.....3. Young children hear more advanced material they will later read, as an older sibling plays a video game, takes an at-home music lesson, or watches a cartoon, etc.
.....4. Research is done on the effect of exposure to Da-di songs as the theory and effectiveness of them begins to be noticed by educators and researchers. Parents who seek out scientifically researched methods of making their child smarter will purchase them (P1-5; H1-3).

II. This hypothesis can only be proven to the degree that money is invested in producing and marketing:

A. Materials for infancy through Kindergarten(P1-5)
B. Materials for 1st grade (T1; H1)
C. Materials for adults and their families, and for high school and adult choirs (A1-3)
D. Materials for college choirs and for sight-singing in music theory classes. (A3-5)

III. The amount of money needed is greater for the promotion of the least advanced material, which may sell more slowly at first. Yet this will prove the hypothesis in the long run. Start early in life.

IV. The amount of money needed is less for the promotion of the more advanced material, yet this must be invested simulaneously, for it will help sell and make understandable the simple material. All the material is interelated and 'synergystic'.

If I had the money, I would travel and meet personally with a number of children's book publishers interested in developing literacy in children. I have a concept, alot of material, and flexible ways in which it may be packaged, especially if a team was put to the task and vision. There is an emphasis on literacy in our culture. However, music literacy is more basic to intelligence development. It is to be marketed slowly into the culture bit by bit, starting with lullabies which 'teach' music through the 'lulling' nonsense syllables. Gradually interest will increase as the benefits will become evident. I need a single publisher committed to the entire line, birth to adult, to market to the parent, the teacher, and the choir director. Creating a Musical Culture: Simple Music is best.

catalogue home
About me
The 'Vivaldi Effect'
Language Development
Groovin' Music Babble
Music, the Brain, and Education
Improves Memory
Speeds Healing
singing IN TUNE
Teaching and Marketing the Da-di Method
Progressive Listening and Later Teaching
Why Da-di songs will work
Basic Costs for groundfloor investment
