COMMENTS: First of all, “souci” is French for “worry”. This is a reaction fic to This Just In From Baghdad, and takes place just before Harm and Mac leave for their assignment. Harm’s POV. Enjoy!
SUMMARY: Before they leave for Baghdad, Harm confronts Mac about her worries and fears concerning Cresswell.
DEDICATION: For Lucia, who never fails to encourage me when I need it most. Thanks for everything, Sis.
DISCLAIMER: JAG and its characters belong to Donald P. Bellisario, CBS, and Paramount. Believe me, if I owned the show, the cast would be pronouncing A.J.’s last name correctly, and Cresswell would’ve gotten his dates right when speaking with Coates. (Pardon my rant, but how can a logical person think that the Answered Prayers Santa incident was three years ago LAST Christmas?)