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The romans having built the Hadrian's Wall in a defensive position between the Tyne and the Solway came under continuous pressure from the Picts of Scotland, so accordingly in about AD 140, the romans decided to mount a campaign in Southern Scotland to be rid of this nuisance the Picts, about two years later the romans started to build a new wall across the narrow waist of Scotland, with the wall commanding a wide view and giving a excellent defensive position. The wall was built from Bridgenness on the river Forth to Old Kilpatrick on the river Clyde, the wall was built under the orders of the Governor of Britain Lollius Urbicus, who had been given the order by the Emperor Antonninus Pius, hence the walls name The Antonnine Wall.

The wall was built mostly of turfed earth on a stone base, and had steeply sloping sides for stability. The base was an average 4.6 metres (15 feet) wide, with the top being only about 1.8 m (6 ft) wide, with a height of 3.6 m (12 ft). On top of this was a wooden walkway about 4.6 m (15 ft) high, the wall was protected on the northern side by a ditch which was on average of 12.m (40ft) wide and 3.6 m (12 ft) deep. Between the wall and ditch there was a flat space, known as the berm, which was 3 - 4m ( 10 - 15 ft) wide and to the rear of this was the Military Way, which also ran the full length of the wall. At the time the wall was protected by a large fort every 9.7 Km (6 miles) with smaller forts or milecastles in between them. A few years after the wall was built the Picts managed a break through and over ran the romans. When the romans managed to re-occupy the land, they increased its garrison and replaced the milecastles with larger forts. Instead of having a major fort every 9 -11 Km there now was a large fort every 3 Km, but the new forts were not the same size as the larger forts before. Due to continued pressure from the Picts (who where known as the Painted Ones by the romans) who were a fierce warrior race, the romans fell back to Hadrians wall ( which was built of stone) in about AD 170. So the Antonnine wall had a short life of about a quarter of a century, it has had a lasting effect upon Scotland being part of the Highland Line. The invisible barrier between the Celts (Picts) and the Britons, between Highland and Lowland Scotland.