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A special interview with Pam about her new CD "Forever one day at a time"

In a short period of time (two years) you have recorded and released three CD's, can we expect a fourth one soon?
No, I don't see a fourth album happening very soon! I need to live, and experience life so that I have new material to write about! Ha! Ha! The past three projects have been great and I am very proud of the latest and I want to spend some time enjoying the recordings and performing the music off of them.
You co-produced your latest CD "Forever one day at a time", is producing your own CD's important to you? Yes, producing is very important to me. To be involved in every aspect of your own album is a beautiful process. I had help from some very wonderful people so I have learned a great deal and continue to do so.
Your CD contains 7 original songs and 3 cover songs, why have you added cover songs? I was influenced by great artist and great songs. The cover songs that I have included in my new album are part of that. Each one is special to me but it was important to make them my own recordings with respect to the artist who previously recorded them. So I included those songs to pay tribute to those artist and songs.
Most of the songs have been written by both you and Rex Andrews, does he have a major influence on you as far as songwriting is concerned?
Yes Rex Andrews is a big influence on me and my songwriting, Rex is a wonderful writer and I have learned so much from him. I look at him as the needle and thread that sews my thoughts and ideas together.
What is your own personal favorite song on this CD and why? Of course all the songs on the album or very special to me. I am very partial to "Let Me Lean On You Awhile" though. I think this song tells a little about who I am as a woman. When I sing it I feel as if I am telling someone about me and that is a very personal experience of self expression.
When we compare your previous CD "Cowgirl state of mind" to this one we notice that your style (sound) has changed a bit, is there a reason for that?
No I don't think there is a reason to the differences between any of my albums. We did not set out with an idea to change me or my sound or my music. The great thing about recording is the creation and art. We added some more instruments on this album and just had fun watching it all come together. I think with every album I have grown just a little bit and with growth there is always some change.
You are also known as a dancer-choreographer, is it hard to focus more on your music?
No it is not hard to focus on either dance or music because they are so different. I have always done both. I am crazy like that, I can do many things at one time and my brain can handle it. Ha! Ha! I am lucky to have both the dancing/choreography and music in my life because I do think although the approach to each is different, they do compliment one another and have through out the history of the world.
You have performed in several European countries, how is that different from performing in the United States? There is not so much difference in performing abroad and in the States. I think people who come to hear music and have fun are always a pleasure to perform for. I have been fortunate to receive that both places.
Where can people buy your new CD?
My CD is for sale on my website , at my live shows and at Tower Record's in Nashville at Opry Mills.

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