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My Profile

METAL Basic's Official Site

My Programming Page

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Welcome to PitViper009's Domain, my home page. To your left is a set of links which I will briefly explain.

On the top is the link to my profile, where you can find out more about me and my life. It also contains a list of stupid quotes, which I have compiled for the specific purpose of making you laugh. Enjoy!

Below the link to my profile is a link to the official site of METAL Basic, a 100% free Basic metacompiler for the Macintosh. It's a great programming language for beginners and experts alike.

In the middle is the link to my House of METAL Programming, my personal programming page. I just finished basic construction and you should see substantial content being posted regularly now.

Finally, you will find at the bottom links to sign my guestbook, view my guestbook, and enter my forum, where you can voice off about any topic this website covers. Please remember to use common net etiquette, as inconsiderately composed messages may be offensive to some people. Such messages will be deleted immediately.

My Profile | METAL Basic's Official Site | My Programming Page
View My Guestbook | Sign My Guestbook | Visit the Forum

Copyright ©2001 Daniel Baumgarten. Public exhibition of any of the content or copies of the content on this website without express consent of the author of this website is prohibited.