Hello to you, small piece of this interlaced Internet subcultursiciety viewing my web page at random or otherwise. I have replaced the crazy dog
with Goat Boy looking sexy, and a bit coy.
Politics are corrupted and hopeless of any repent or rebirth. It will be a slow fucking burn, weather the fire holds or folds.
I was sponsored by Green Party Canada up until they lost the election as I could have guessed they might've, and surprisingly the Liberal Party won.
The lesser of two evils; I hope that none of you voters who were voting against the Conservatives purely for that sake, are busting buttons over your victory. Do you feel a change in the air? Do you feel safer, or considdered? Are your taxes being reduced to improve your lifestyle, or are your gas prices?
You've put your vote into the great big pile of rotted shit, farther onsetting a tainted, septicemic system which we complain about every single fucking day, regardless of which toilet our shitty votes were flushed down.
I've seen no lessons learnt from history, or goodness compelled through sincerity on a mondo level since at least the 1950's! Those babyboomers were giddy and frolicking. I can't wait for the Bush/Kerry election. Who will ponder for a moment with me, that the current rutting with worry over there being a "terrorist attack" on election day, isn't just another set up for a steal? Pause and think about that for a second. If you find yourself unable, continue to read on. If Bush lands in the White House again, we are fucked. Satan is fucking coming and Pestilance is going to eat you ALL and shit you all out over wine, with Famine, and then put shitty you in Tupperware so not even the last frog turd of humanity can use your ass meats to save their existance. Totally fucking fucked. But hey, it's just a ride, right?
The way I look at it, if we're going to die anyway, (and probability shows that this is highly likely) is it not better to go out being the last generation... Ever? There's something inspiring about that! Why not be happy with the fact that we get to see it all go down? BECAUSE WE WILL AT THIS PACE, but then again I do smoke a lot of pot and I've heard the stuff makes you paranoid...
Entertaining the idea, of any generation ever before us, we are the most probable to see it happen; to witness the punchline. Weather by nuclear attacks, which can have effects ricocheing from Sanandreas' snap, crack, and poppelling, to there simply being too much of a blast for the Planet to handle... Oh, hey, ya, do ya remember that folks? It's already almost happened. Oh, what's that? You forgot? You didn't know? I see a little bit of history repeating. But let's not forget the biggest reason for the end of the world that many like to forget on a daily basis despite their knowledge and 'concern' for it: The environment! I'll leave you to connect the dots.
Whatever happens, I figure I would just eat a lot of L.S.D. and hope the world ends in an explosion of sorts, while contemplating Jesus spewing firey revelation of his snout, and he will have a lazerbeam in his forehead. He wil be shouting "God is dead".
I'll be on my roof, where there is a light shining light, visbly bright to all, and clear through the smoke in front of me, watching all the pleasantville, suburbanite homes beneath my building burn eternally I will be warm and laughing.
This is my heaven.
And this is my homepage, good day.
Aliens are your friends.
This is all I know at that time.
Link to and image courtesy of SubCult.net
The advertisments that have been PLANTED ONTO MY
I do not promote or condone any advertisments that you see on my page,
and I most likely refute them being there.
"If you're in advertising or marketing, please, seriously: kill yourself. You are ruining all things good in this world, there is no rationalization for what you do, and you are Satan's little helpers. Kill yourself. You are in fact, Satan's spawn, filling the world with bile and garbage. You are fucked and you are fucking us. Kill yourself. It's the only way to save your fucking soul."
|"Hara-kiri for all!"|
(Says the Schmokin' Dragon of Gateway Drugzeer).
So, Thank you for reading, "and until you can name all the animals, go back to the fucking garden."
- Becky Johnston, and quotes by THE MAN, Bill Hicks
I have two other sites, once of which was solely experimental and for the purpose
of inspiration rather than education, despite the fact I was creating it for a class. If you
like the band TOOL, please check out my TOOL page. Thank you's to:
for supplying all the images and information I could ever need.
Thé Ðëòxÿríßøñµçlëìç HÿÞêrdïmèñsîøñ.
T-Shirts That Suck.com
(They're not all _______ Sucks, by the way, I just want this shirt.)