Dave in New Yo'k City!
Mom and Dad Bow
Dave hugging a doggie!
The Statue of Liberty
Good Morning!
Some fat guy...
Santa Claus works summers in New York.
Max arriving at the station!
Some graffitti we saw
The picture in our room
Dave w/ his hat and coathanger.
Dave lost in a world of clocks!
A picture of a guy made of gold! I forgot to fix this one so tuuuuuurn your head to the left to view it.
John Wayne
the freddo
Max asleep w/ Dave's fashion help
Dave is gangsta
Yeah punk, that's what I said.
Max is more gangsta...
Dave suprised.
#(@&%#!$*The Carnival in Austria#%(*!#$&@(*:
I don't know what to say about these so I'll let you take the trip yourself - Dave.