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About Me

Okay where to start. Well as I said my name is Christine Butt and I am 17 years old but I will turn 18 on December 22. I am a first year university student at the College of the North Atlantic. I go to the college because I stayed home from university to do my first year. Next year I plan on going away to school. Either MUN, UNB or UPEI. I really want to go to McGill, but I know I will never be aloud. Well I am studying to be a speech pathologist, that is my dream. What is a speech pathologist you ask? Well they study and treat speech disorders and impariments such as stutters, and slurs.

I got into speeh pathology after by baby cousin had to go to a speech pathologist and get help with his speech. He was having trouble pronouncing words and sounds. After hearing about his treatment I was hooked. I also took a course in high school where I got to spend a few weeks with a speech pathologist in town.

School is not everything in my life, actually its only a small part. I would have to say the most important part of my life is my friends and family. I know that everyone might say that but I truely feel that they are the most important part of my life. Have you never heard the phrase "If you find one true friend in life your lucky, if you can keep them you are blessed" Well this is only slightly true for me. See I don't have just one ture friend I have six and they are all really really good firends. If you want to knwo more about my friends just go to "My Friends" page. My family is also very important. Even though I fight continusly with my brother and sister, they are really important to me. My mom and dad are the most sopportive and caring parents a person could ask for. Mom always knows when I am upset even when i won't tell her why and she is always there to talk to or share a secret.

I know that so far it sounds like I have what you could call the perfect life, but trust me it is far from perfect. See, the type of person I am is that if you say something mean or horrible to me I act as if I don't care, but in reality it affects me more than you can imagine. I am not one to show my emotions to everyone, I would rather keep them to myself, and cry in private. Thats the problem I have with dealing with things. I don't really know how to act when I am told something.

To the outside world I may seem like a tough person, but honestly I am nothing more that a little girl. Even my closest friends might have trouble believing this because I can hide it so well. When I am around people I am totally different than when I am all alone. By kinda pretending to be someone different I can protect myself from the pain that some people would try to imflict on me.

I do have a really positive side too. I am totally sopportive of my firends and I would stand with them through anything and everything. Also some more trival information about my life. I am totally into music. I absolutly love to listen to music all day long, and there are some CDs like "LIVE", "MATCHBOX 20" and "INCUBUS" that never leave my CD player. Also I am a TV fanatic. I love all those stupid shows that most people deny watching like "Love Cruise" and "Passions" also I love "Roswell" and "Dark Angel". Well one last thing about me is that I like to write poetry too. I usually write when I am really upset or fustrated, so if you ever read some of it and its all really dark and sad understand that I write like that because I don't really know who to express happiness in words.

I realized something the other day. My biggest fear in life is being alone. I don't mean being physically alone, becasue that I can deal with most of the time. I mean I am afraid of being emotionaly alone for the rest of my life. If you really think about it, do you really what to be alone? Its actually kinda scary, because I have never been alone before and I don't really what to start. Some people have told me that I should get over my fear but why should I? I never want to be alone, I always want someone to be there to help me throughout life. Okay I know that this may sound really corny, But I need the love of others to survive.

Well that is about all I have to tell about myself for now, if there is anything that you think I should add just write me and I will try to fir it in somewhere. Thanks and Good Bye!!

