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Last updated Wednesday,

June 1, 2011


Look around at our PROGRAM . . . where can YOU add

YOUR strength?  We can use you; talk to any one of us,

especially if you can go Camping!  



We are very sad to share with you that, in the early morning hours of Monday, May 23, 2011, Mrs. Susan McConnell of Troop 55 passed away.  Mrs. McConnell ("Sue") was beloved by all that knew her, and will be terribly missed.  After over 20 years with Troop 55, Sue was blessed with guiding many young scouts through the program, and seeing them reach their goal of Eagle Scout.  Sue was proud of all her scouts - especially her many Eagles.  She has touched the lives of so many.   Please keep her family in your prayers. 

The Troop/Crew/LFL 55 Angelfire website remains up and running for all the vital links to the wealth of information compiled by Mrs. McConnell.  As for current updates, due to unforeseen challenges, they are currently on another page - click here! There are MANY dates of events coming up this week and on into the summer.  Make sure you check the Updates/Announcements with calendar in hand!  Don't miss the fun!

Thank you and have a wonderful summer!