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Scientific Program XVIIIth International Pigment Cell Conference

Sunday, 8th September

10.00 Council Meetings of the Regional Pigment Cell Societies
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Council Meeting of the IFPCS
15:00 Meeting of the Editorial Board of Pigment Cell Research

14:30 Registration, Poster set-up
17:00 Welcome Reception
19:00 Closing

Monday, 9th September

08:30 Opening

Special Lecture Chair: S. Pavel
08:45 Four-dimensional visualization of adhesion and proteolysis in pigment cell migration within extracellular matrix
P. Friedl (University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany) (001)

Plenary Symposium I: Biochemistry and biology of pigment cells, part 1
Chairs: R. Halaban, V. Hearing, G. Imokawa

Invited lecture
09:15 Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor as a newly identified mediator of Wnt signaling
S. Shibahara, K. Yasumoto, K. Takeda, H. Saito, K. Takahashi (Japan) (002)

09:35 Walk like an Egyptian: Two-dimensional analysis of focal adhesion dynamics in migrating cells of the melanocyte lineage
B.M. Wehrle-Haller, C. Cluzel, R. Puettman, A. Imhof (Switzerland) (003)

09:50 Inhibition of N-glycan processing in ER targeted tyrosinase related protein 2 for degradation in B16 mouse melanoma cells
N.G. Negroiu, C. Paduraru, R.A. Dwek, S.M. Petrescu (Romania) (004)

10:05 The important role of keratinocytes within the epidermal melanin unit
C. Duval, M. Regnier, R. Schmidt (France) (005)

10:20 4a Carbinolamine dehydratase and hepatocyte nuclear factor 1a control pigmentation in the human epidermis
J.M. Wood, S. Kothari, S. Kauser, N. Hibberts, N.J. Lindsey, N.J.C. Gibbons, K.U. Schallreuter (UK) (006)

10:35 Coffee-tea

Special Lecture Chair: F. de Gruijl
11:05 What is wrong in xeroderma pigmentosum?
J.H.J. Hoeijmakers (The Netherlands) (007)

Plenary Symposium II: Epidemiology of melanoma and precursor lesions
Chairs: J.F. Doré, C.Garbe, J.N. Bouwes-Bavinck

11:35 Development of melanoma: what does epidemiology learn us?
L. Brochez, J.M. Naeyaert (Belgium) (008)

11:55 Individual sensitivity to ultraviolet light: a new independent risk factor for cutaneous melanoma
R. Pedeux, F. Salés, J. Pourchet, M. Kallassy, M. Boniol, G. Severi, G. Ghanem, H. Nakazawa, P. Autier, J.F. Doré (France) (009)

12:10 Moderate sun exposure and parental nevus counts are risk factors for nevus development in nursery children. A study in 1812 children 2-7 years old
C. Garbe, T. Sander Wieker, H. Luther, P. Buettner, J. Bauer (Germany) (010)

12:25 Naevi counts confirms underreporting of sun exposure in case-control study of melanoma risk
E. de Vries, J.W.W. Coebergh, P. Autier, J.F. Doré, M. Bionol (The Netherlands) (011)

12:40 Number and size of nevi are influenced by different sun exposure components: implications for the aetiology of cutaneous melanoma
P.H. Autier, J.F. Doré, G. Severi, R. Pedeux, M. Boniol (Luxembourg) (012)

12:55 Lunch & Posters

Plenary Symposium III: Biochemistry and biology of pigment cells, part 2
Chairs: J.M. Wood, B.M. Wehrle-Haller, S. Shibahara

Invited Lecture
14:45 Structural determinants of tyrosinase folding and catalytic activity
J.C. García-Borrón (Spain) (013)

Invited Lecture
15:05 Newly proposed etiologies in oculocutaneous albinism types 1, 2, and 3
K. Toyofuku (Japan) (014)

15:25 Catalytic activation of tyrosinase is required for its proper folding and processing in vivo
R. Halaban, E. Cheng, D.N. Hebert (USA) (015)

15:40 Fatty acids regulate tyrosinase degradation in a proteasome-dependent manner
H. Ando,Y. Funasaka, M Oka, M. Ichihashi, V.J. Hearing (USA) (016)

15:55 Mechanistic aspects of catechol generation from cyclizing quinoneamines
E.J. Land, C.A. Ramsden, P.A. Riley (UK) (017)

16:10 The medial tail domain of myosin Va isoforms provide the globular tail domain with organelle-interacting specificity
W. Westbroek, J. Lambert, R. Busca, P. Bahadoran, M.C. Herteleer, A.F. van Nieuwpoort, M. Mommaas, R. Ballotti, J.M. Naeyaert (Belgium) (018)

16:25 Coffee / Tea

Concurrent Workshop I: Immunobiology of melanocytes and melanoma
Chairs: P.K. Das, I.C. Le Poole, M.J. Jager

17:00 Vitiligo and tumor immunity: flip sides of the same coin?
P.K. Das (The Netherlands) (019)

17:15 The role of a-melanocyte-stimulating-hormone in prostaglandin production by FM55 melanoma and HaCat cells
S.E. Estdale, M. Tsatmali, A. Nicolaou, A.J. Thody (UK) (020)

17:30 Elevated P-selectin ligand glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) expression in metastatic malignant melanoma
T. Hoashi, K. Kikuchi, K. Tamaki (Japan) (021)

17:45 Role of turkey Herpesvirus and interferon gamma in the expression of vitiligo in vitiligo-susceptible Smyth line chickens
G.F. Erf (USA) (022)

18:00 Stress protein induced depigmentation in vitiligo
I.C. Le Poole, J.Curry, J.-Z. Qin, L.S. Stennett, R. Mestril, B.J. Nickoloff (USA) (023)

Concurrent Workshop II: Comparative biology: other pigmentary systems
Chairs: R. Bowers, M.L. Lamoreux, R.N. Kelsh

17:00 The overexpression of ß-catenin affects the coat color
L. Larue, V. Delmas, S. Martinozzi (France) (024)

17:15 Characterisation of a zebrafish pigment pattern mutant, choker
V. Nikolic, G. Hollway, R.J. Adams, P. Currie , R.N. Kelsh (UK) (025)

17:30 On the switch from particulate to fibrillar melanosomes: melanogenesis in a teleost fish
R. Bowers (USA) (026)

17:45 Direct regulation of the neural crest promoter of zebrafish nacre/mitfa by colourless/Sox10
J.A. Lister, S. Elworthy, D.W. Raible, R.N. Kelsh (USA) (027)

18:00 A multifaceted analysis of tissue colours in chameleons using transmission electron microscopy, reflectance spectrophotometry, and thin-layer chromatography
R.L. Morrison, D. Drankiewics, D. Blackiston (USA) (028)

18:15 Construction of a color segregating population and detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in tyrosinase gene of chicken
X. Deng, Y.Yang, J. Li, Z. Chen, W. Xu, N.Li, C. Wu (China) (029)

19:00 Dinner in Hotel Zuiderduin

Tuesday, 10th September

Special Lecture Chair: D. Bennett
08:30 Genetics of Human Pigmentation Disorders
R.A. Spritz (USA) (030)

Plenary Symposium IV: Genetics of pigmentation
Chairs: I.J. Jackson, R.A. King, Y. Tomita

09:00 The attractin-mahoganoid pathway: new insight into pigment type-switching and neurodegeneration
T.M. Gunn, L. He, A. F. Jolly, A. Eldridge, P. Jackson, G.S. Barsh (USA) (031)

09:15 A novel P-gene mutation of IVS15+1G to A in a Japanese albino patient and the high frequency of an ala481thr mutation in normally-pigmented Japanese
T.S. Suzuki, Y.M. Miyamura, J.M. Matsunaga, Y.T. Tomita (Japan) (032)

09:30 Haplotype analysis of the tyrosinase gene
R.A. King, J. Pietsch, S. Shriram, J.P. Fryer, W.S. Oetting (USA) (033)

09:45 Tyrosinase processing and intracellular trafficking is disturbed in mouse primary melanocytes carrying the uw mutation: A model for OCA 4
G.-E. Costin, J. C. Valencia, M. H. Brilliant, M. Thomson, M. R. Pochampalli, W. D. Vieira, M.L.Lamoreux, V. J. Hearing (USA) (034)

10:00 Genotype/phenotype correlations in pigmentation genes
A. Van Daal (Australia) (035)

10:15 Coffee / Tea

Seiji Lecture Chair: S. Ito
10:45 The melanosome. An ideal model to study cellular differentiation
V. Hearing (USA) (036)

11:25 Posters & Lunch
Women Forum

Plenary Symposium V: Redox processes in pigment cells
Chairs: F.L. Meyskens, M. Picardo, N.P.M. Smit

14:00 Redox regulation of human melanomagenesis: etiologic, preventive, and therapeutic implications
F.L. Meyskens Jr., P. Farmer, S. McNulty, J.P. Fruehauf, D. Cen, S. Young, R.S. Kahlon, N. Tohidian, J. Oldenburg (USA) (037)

14:20 Oxidative stress in atypical naevus cells
N.P.M. Smit, A.F. Van Nieuwpoort, J.C. Out, A.M. Kolb, A. Van der Laarse, P. Cetkovska, S. Pavel (The Netherlands) (038)

14:35 Expression of ferritin mRNA antisense promotes the induction of an oxidative stress in melanoma cells
V. Maresca, A. Baldi, E. Flori, D. Lombardi, M.L. Dell'Anna, P. Russo, M. Paggi, M. Picardo (Italy) (039)

14:50 Peroxidase-mediated mechanisms are involved in the melanocytotoxic and melanogenesis inhibiting effects of chemical agents; A hypothesis to be challenged
B.K Kasraee (Iran) (040)

15:05 Pronounced antimelanoma activity after glutathione depletion
J.P. Fruehauf, C. Torres, D. Cen, F. Meyskens (USA) (041)

15:20 More evidence for epidermal oxidative stress by H2O2 in vitiligo
H. Rokos, K.U. Schallreuter (UK) (042)

15:35 Coffee / Tea

Concurrent Workshop III: Cutaneous and extracutaneous pigments
Chairs: K. Wakamatsu, T. Sarna, J.D. Simon

16:00 Structure of neuromelanin as studied by chemical degradative methods
K. Wakamatsu, K. Fujikawa, S. Ito, D. Tampelini, L. Zecca (Japan) (043)

16:20 Upregulation of tyrosinase in adult mammalian retinal pigment epithelium by phagocytosis of rod outer segments
U. Schraermeyer, H. Janicki, J. Siodlaczek, S. Peters, N. Kociok (Germany) (044)

16:40 Photochemical and photophysical properties of eumelanin and pheomelanin: is there a physicochemical basis for the allegedly higher phototoxicity of the latter
T. Sarna, J. D. Simon, T. Ye (Poland) (045)

17:00 Melanin may protect against H2O2 induced DNA strand breaks by Ca2+ binding
M.J. Hoogduijn, E. Cemeli, D. Anderson, J.M. Wood, A.J. Thody (UK) (046)

17:15 Pro-oxidant behavior of synthetic melanins and melanoma cells
P.J. Farmer, B. Shahandeh, F.L. Meyskens, N. Tohidian, J. Buckmeier (USA) (047)

17:30 Atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies of the structural morphology of sepia eumelanin
J.D. Simon, Y. Liu (USA) (048)

17:45 Spectrally-resolved confocal microscopy studies of the emission properties of individual human ocular lipofuscin granules
J.D. Simon, N. Haralampus-Grynaviski, L. E. Lamb, T. Sarna, M. Zareba (USA) (049)

Concurrent workshop IV: Experimental approaches in pigmentary disturbances
Chairs: R. Schmidt, A. Taieb, M. Ichihashi

Invited Lecture
16:00 Paracrine cytokine mechanisms of epidermal hyperpigmentation in UVB-melanosis, lentigo senilis and dermatofibroma
G. Imokawa (Japan) (050)

16:20 Mouse models for four types of Waardenburg syndrome
M. Tachibana, Y. Matsushima (Japan) (051)

16:35 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome: Video-microscopic evidence of abnormal vesicle formation and trafficking
M. Huizing, G. Patterson, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, W.A. Gahl (USA) (052)

16:50 Mechanisms underlying dysfunction of melanocytes in vitiligo vulgaris epidermis: role of SCF/c-kit lineage and its downstream
R. Kitamura, K. Harada, A. Shimizu, S. Shimada, K. Tsukamoto, G. Imokawa (Japan) (053)

17:05 A functional study of dermal nevus cells cultured from congenital pigmented nevi.
A. Taieb, E. Gontier, J.E. Surlève-Bazeille, M. Cario-André (France) (054)

17:20 Transgenic expression of endothelin receptor B rescues coat color spotting in piebald lethal mice
L. Kos, A. Ittah, K. Kalaiselvi (USA) (055)

17:35 Treatment of vitiligo by antioxidant complexes and ultraviolet radiations (UVA + B)
J.-P. Cesarini (France) (056)

18:00 General Assembly ESPCR and PASPCR

19:00 Dinner in Hotel Zuiderduin

Wednesday, 11th September

Presidential Address Chair: S. Pavel
08:30 Melanin and melanogenesis: a fascinating target for chemists
S. Ito (Japan) (057)

Plenary Symposium VI: Cutaneous and ocular melanoma: genetics and basic biology
Chairs: D. Bennett, N.A. Gruis, F. Beermann

Invited Lecture
09:00 Cutaneous and ocular melanoma genetics and basic biology
M. Herlyn (USA) (058)

09:20 Genetic aberrations in uveal melanoma
H.T. Brüggenwirth (The Netherlands) (059)

09:35 Expression of a G-protein coupled receptor predisposes mice to cutaneous melanoma development
S. Chen, P. Pollock, K. Cohen-Solal, R. Sood, K. Mackason, J. Namkoog, J. Martino, S. Shin, K. Roberts, K. Reuhl, W. Pavan, J. Trent (USA) (060)

09:50 Telomere 3' overhang specific DNA induces apoptosis and differentiation in melanoma cells and reduces their tumorigenicity and metastasis in vivo
N. Puri, M.S. Eller, H.R. Byers, J. Kubera, S. Dykstra, B. Gilchrest (USA) (061)

10:05 Death receptor signaling in human metastatic melanoma cultures
S.E. McNulty, M. Kim, S.Loftipour, N. Tohidian, F. Meyskens jr (USA) (062)

10:20 Light chain ferritin is up-regulated during melanoma progression
A. Baldi, M. Picardo, A. De Luca, A. Felsani, P.G. Natali, C. Catricala, A. Amantea, D. Lombardi, M. Paggi (Italy) (063)

10:35 Coffee / Tea

Plenary Symposium VII: Physiological and pathophysiological aspects of melanosomes
Chairs: K. Jimbow, U. Schraermeyer, J. Borovansky

Invited Lecture
11:00 Pigmentation depends on the simple glycosphingolipid glucosylceramide
G. van Meer, S. Degroote, H. Aerts, P. van der Sluijs, H. Sprong (The Netherlands) (064)

11:20 Phagolysome-containing melanoma cells rich in beta 1-6 branched N-glycans are associated with melanoma pigmentation and progression
J.M. Pawelek, T. Handerson (USA) (065)

11:35 Melanosome transport is regulated by the cyclic AMP pathway: a time lapse-microscopy study
T.P. Passeron, B.P. Bahadoran, V.G. Valony, J.P. Ortonne, R. Ballotti (France) (066)

11:50 Melanosome degradation: facts, fiction and questions
J. Borovansky, M. Elleder (Czech Republic) (067)

12:05 Multiple tyrosinase defects in melanocytes lacking the pink-eyed dilution gene product
K. Chen, P. Manga, S.J. Orlow (USA) (068)

12:20 Differential expression of PAR-2 and its activator trypsin in different skin types
L. Babiarz, C.B. Lin, M. Seiberg (USA) (069)

12:35 Lunch & Posters

Special Lecture
13:35 The role of melanocortin-1 receptor polymorphism in skin cancer risk
R.A. Sturm (Australia) (070)

Plenary Symposium VIII: Cell Biology and Cell signalling in melanocytes
Chairs: A.J. Thody, E. Medrano, J.C. Garcia-Borrón

Invited Lecture
14:05 Mitogen and UV-induced signaling pathways in human melanocytes
Z.A. Abdel-Malek, E. Pereira, A.L. Kadekaro, R. Kavanagh (USA) (071)

Invited Lecture
14:20 Regulation of melanocyte differentiation by alpha-MSH and cAMP pathways
R. Ballotti (France) (072)

14:35 The insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) is critical for constitutive MAPK activation and retinoblastoma protein (pRb) inactivation in melanoma cells
M.C. Von Willebrand, E. Cheng, P. Glazer, K. Williams, A. Levitzki, R. Halaban (USA) (073)

14:45 Characterisation of melanocortin receptor genes in teleost fish
D.W. Logan, R.J. Bryson-Richardson, M.S. Taylor, I.J. Jackson (UK) (074)

14:55 Different levels of regulation of Mc1r expression are developed by murine melanocytes in response to aMSH and ASP
F.R. Rouzaud, J.P. Annereau, J. Valencia, V.J. Hearing (USA) (075)

15:05 ASIP regulation in human melanoma cells
J. Voisey, A. van Daal (Australia) (076)

15:15 Ceramide reduces melanin synthesis via delayed ERK activation in human melanocytes
D.S. Kim, S.Y. Kim, J.H. Chung, K.H. Kim, H.C. Eun, K.C. Park (Korea) (077)

16:00 - 23:30 Excursion to Amsterdam and Banquet at Hotel Krasnapolsky

Thursday, 12th September

Plenary Symposium IX: Cutaneous and ocular melanoma: diagnosis and treatments
Chairs:Y. Salomon, M. Bar-Eli, W. Bergman

Invited Lecture
08:30 Adjuvant intermediate dose IFN (EORTC 18952) and long term PEG-Intron (EORTC 18991) in >2000 patients with very high risk melanoma
A.M.M. Eggermont (The Netherlands) (078)

Invited Lecture
08:50 Herpes simplex virus in melanoma treatment
R. Mackie (UK) (079)

09:10 Eradication of melanoma tumors by anti-vascular photodynamic therapy (PDT) with TOOKAD, a Pd-Bacteriochlorophyl derivative: if you can't fight them starve them
Y. Salomon, S. Gross, A. Gilead, N. Koudinova, A. Brandis, M. Neeman, A. Scherz (Israel) (080)

09:25 High killing efficacy of a new silicon phthalocyanine in human melanoma cells treated with photodynamic therapy by early activation of mitochondrion-mediated apoptosis
P. Verrando, J. Barge, R. Decréau, M. Julliard, A.S. Sabatier, J.J. Grob (France) (081)

09:40 Antitumor effect and body distribution of L-prolyl-m-L-sarcolysyl-L-p-flurophenylalanine ethylesther, HCl (PSF) in human melanoma-bearing nude mice
R. Morandini, T.H. Nguyen, G.E. Ghanem (Belgium) (082)

09:55 Fluorescence in situ detection of human cutaneous melanoma: diagnostic parameters of the method
B.W. Chwirot, S. Chwirot, N. Sypniewska (Poland) (083)

10:10 Fibroblast growth factor-2 but not the adhesion molecules N-cadherin, Mel-CAM and ß3 integrin promotes development of early radial growth phase melanoma in human skin reconstructs
F.E. Elke Meier, B. Schittek, U. Caroli, J. Bauer, K. Satyamoorthy, E. Maczey, H. Möller, G. Rassner, M. Herlyn, C. Garbe (Germany) (084)

10:25 Coffee / Tea

Concurrent Workshop V: Vitiligo and other pigmentary disturbances
Chairs: K.U. Schallreuter, J. Bolognia, J.M. Naeyaert

Invited Lecture
11:00 Treatment of generalized vitiligo in children with narrowband (TL-01) UV-B radiation therapy
M.D. Njoo, J.D. Bos, W. Westerhof (The Netherlands) (085)

Invited Lecture
11:20 Vitiligo and other pigmentary disturbances
J. Bolognia (USA) (086)

11:40 Epidermal grafting in vitiligo: Influence of age of the patient, site of the treated lesion and type of the disease on the outcome
S. Gupta (India) (087)

11:50 The first prospective randomized double blind placebo controlled study of autologous non-cultured epidermal cell transplantation for repigmenting leucoderma
N. Van Geel, K. Ongenae, M. De Mil, J.M. Naeyaert (Belgium) (088)

12:00 New approach to repigmentation of vitiligo: treatment with ultrasonic abrasion, seed-grafting and PUVA therapy
K. Tsukamoto, A. Osada, R. Kitamura, S. Shimada, O. Takayama (Japan) (089)

12:10 Evaluation of a guinea pig model for its usefulness as an animal model for pre-clinical drug trials in vitiligo
M. Yadav, L.K. Yerneni (India) (090)

Concurrent Workshop VI: Developmental Biology of the Pigmentary System
Chairs: W.J. Pavan, H. Arnheiter, T. Kunisada

11:00 Dominant role of the niche in melanocyte stem cell fate determination
E.K. Nishimura, J.A. Jordan, H. Oshima, H. Yoshida, I. Jackson, Y. Barrandon, S. Nishikawa (Japan) (091)

11:20 Single molecule imaging of stem cell factor receptor and H-Ras in living melanocytes
T. Kobayashi, M. Murakami, T. Kawasaki, A. Yoshimura, A. Kusumi (Japan) (092)

11:35 The mouse Dct gene: insertion of Cre recombinase and generation of a null allele
F. Beermann, A. Rossier, C. Richard, E. Hummler, L. Guyonneau (Switzerland) (093)

11:50 Signaling through EDNRB involves non-cell autonomous actions during melanocyte development
L. Hou, W.J. Pavan, M.K. Shin, H. Arnheiter (USA) (094)

12:05 Neural crest progenitors of the melanocyte lineage - coat colour patterns revisited
I.J. Jackson, L. Wilkie, S.A. Jordan (UK) (095)

12:20 Lunch & Posters

'Hot Topics' Symposium
Chairs: P.A. Riley, Y. Mishima, J. Pawelek

14:30 Alpha-melanocortin and endothelin-1 are survival factors that inhibit UVB-induced apoptosis of human melanocytes
Z.A. Abdel-Malek (USA) (096)

14:45 Microscopic and macroscopic optical imaging analysis of melanoma and precursors
D.B. Becker (USA) (097)

15:00 Exogenously introduced tyrosinase and TRP-1 require transport through common endosomal compartment but follow distinct pathway for eu- and pheomelanogenesis
K. Jimbow, K. Hirosaki, K. Shinoda, A. Kamada, M. Endo and T. Yamashita (Japan) (098)

15:15 Down-regulation of p300/CBP HAT activates a senescence checkpoint in human melanocytes and melanoma cells
D. Bandyopadhyay, N.A. Okan, E. Bales, L. Nascimento, P.A. Cole and E.E. Medrano (USA) (099)

15:30 Coffee / Tea

Special Lecture
16:00 Identification of melanocyte and melanoma biomarkers using DermArray DNA microarrays
T.P. Dooley, T.W. Wilborn, E.V. Curto, P. Grammatico, E.S. Robinson (USA) (100)

Plenary Symposium X: Genomics in pigment cell research
Chairs: B. Bastian, P. Verrando, C. Tensen

16:30 Rab38 and chocolate mice: using microarrays for gene discovery
D.L. Larson, S.K. Loftus, L.L. Baxter, A. Antonellis, Y. Chen, X. Wu, M. Bittner, Y. Jiang, J.A. Hammer, W.J. Pavan (USA) (101)

16:45 Characterization of a human melanocyte transcript coding for the hypothetical brain protein my038 and a new protein: Mel-46.2. Involvement in cell response and resistance to UV-B radiation
C. Valéry, B. Bon, A.S. Sabatier, J.J. Grob, P. Verrando (France) (102)

17:00 Microarray analysis of atypical nevi reveals pathogenic pathway
P.A. Van Der Velden, A.F. van Nieuwpoort, C. Out, N. Smit, S. Pavel, W. Bergman, M. Vis, K. Tensen, R. Willemze, R. Frants, N.A. Gruis (The Netherlands) (103)

17:15 cDNA microarray expression profiling of melanomas from Sinclair miniature swine
S.A. Leachman, N.W. Hanson, J. Hinshaw, M.S. Amos, A. Szabo, S.R. Florell (USA) (104)

17:30 Genomic analysis of neural crest-melanocyte development
L.L. Baxter, S.J. Loftus, A. Antonellis, W.J. Pavan (USA) (105)

19:00 Dinner, Farewell Party and Jam Session

Friday, 13th September

Satellite Meeting I: The Congenital Giant Naevus: Research and Treatment
Organiser: H. Etchevers (France)

The symposium may be of particular interest for dermatologists, plastic and reconstructive surgeons and scientists involved in the molecular and cell biology of congenital (giant) naevi. Sessions of grouped short presentations will be followed by round table exchanges with the audience. Presentation abstracts and lunch will be provided. The following topics are anticipated: dermabrasion, dermal and epidermal substitutes, epidemiology, fetal naevogenesis, malignant transformation, neurocutaneous melanosis, phototherapy, scarring in and near naevi, satellite naevi, skin mobilisation, targeted immunotherapy, the naevocyte in vitro, tissue expanders. The first Annual Meeting of Naevus 2000 France-Europe's Committee on Medicine and Science will follow the symposium.

Information about The Congenital Giant Naevus: Research and Treatment is also available as pdf file.

Starting time: 09:00

Curettage of giant congenital naevi in new-born infants: about 20 cases.
B. Salazard, D. Casanova, J. Zuleta, L. Andrac-Meyer, J. Bardot, G. Magalon (France) (106)

Large congenital melanocytic nevi: an internet based, self-referred, prospective registry
A. Marghoob, S. Dusza, S. Oliveria, A. Halpern (USA) (107)

Nevogenesis and congenital nevi: basic and practical issues
A. Taieb, P. Vergnes (France) (108)

Atypcial dermo-hypodermic proliferative nodule in a giant congenital naevus
A. De Vooght, B. Bayet, S. Gosseye, R. Vanwijck (Belgium) (109)

Psychosocial impact of giant congenital melanocytic naevi
H.M. Koot, A.P. Oranje (The Netherlands) (110)

Curettage of giant congenital melanocytic naevi in neonates: long-term results
L. De Raeve (Belgium) (111)

A giant congenital melanocytic nevus: prenatal two(2D)- and three(3D)- dimensional ultrasound findings
I.H. Hoesli, W.H. Holzgreve, H.F. Fahnenstich, S.T. Tercanli (Switzerland) (112)

A potential role of stem cell factor (kit-ligand) in hyperpigmented lesions?
B.M. Wehrle-Haller, C. Cluzel, R. Puettman, A. Imhof (Switzerland) (113)

Treatment of Giant Congenital Nevi with the high energy pulsed CO2 laser
J.-L. Michel (France) (114)

Satellite Meeting II: Melanoma Biology
Organiser: D.J. Ruiter (The Netherlands), G.N.P. van Muijen (The Netherlands), M. Herlyn (U.S.A.)

The aim of the satellite symposium is to discuss new concepts in melanoma biology, new techniques that enable further observation in animal and human tumors, new approaches for diagnostic and prognostic purposes, and new strategies for immunologic therapy. The symposium will consist of invited lectures that will be divided in four successive sessions. Presentations will be given by leading experts in the field. The meeting will take place from 9:00 until 17:30 and will be followed by coctails and dinner. Coffee / tea and lunch will also be provided.

09:00 General Introduction
D. Ruiter, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

New Concepts: Chair: D. Becker

09:15 Stem cells and stromagenesis in melanoma development and progression
M. Herlyn (USA) (115)

09:45 Lymphangiogenesis
R.M.W. de Waal (The Netherlands) (116)

10:15 Diversity and adaptation in tumor cell migration strategies
P. Friedl (Germany) (117)

10:45 Coffee/tea

New Technologies: Chair: M. Herlyn

11:15 Transgenic mouse models
P. Krimpenfort (The Netherlands) (118)

11:45 Optical imaging analysis of melanoma and its precursors
D. Becker (USA) (119)

12:15 Tetramer staining of cytotoxic lymphocytes
M.R. Bernsen, W.L. Van Geloof, I.J. De Vries, N.M. Scharenborg, W.J. Lesterhuis, C.J.A. Punt, G.N.P. Van Muijen, C.G. Figdor, G.J. Adema, D.J. Ruiter (The Netherlands) (120)

12:45 Lunch

Translation to Diagnosis and Prognosis: Chair: G. van Muijen

14:00 Classifying melanoma based on DNA copy number changes using array-based comparative genomic hybridization
B.C. Bastian, H. Patel, K. Busam, T. Kageshita, H. Kutzner, S. Aiba, M. Ueda, T. Tokayasu, A. Jain, D. Pinkel (USA) (121)

14:30 Cytokines
D. Schadendorf (Germany) (122)

15:00 Uveal melanoma as a paradigm for melanoma biology
M.J. Jager, J.A.W. Metzelaar-Blok, F.H.J. Claas, I. Doxiadis, H.M.H. Hurks (The Netherlands) (123)

15:30 Coffee / Tea

Translation to Therapy: Chair: D. Ruiter

16:00 Melanosomal proteins as melanoma-specific targets
V.J. Hearing (USA) (124)

16:30 Immunological and clinical responses in melanoma patients after treatment with peptide-loaded dendritic cells administered via different routes of immunization
G. Adema, I.J.M. de Vries, M. Bernsen, G.N.P. van Muijen, D. Ruiter, N.M. Scharenborg, W.J. Lesterhuis, C.J.A. Punt, C.G. Figdor (The Netherlands) (125)

17:00 Utilizing fully human anti-IL-8 and anti-MCAM/MUC18 antibodies as a modality to treat melanoma patients
M. Bar-Eli (USA) (126)

17:30 Closing and Cocktails

Satellite Meeting III: Pigment Cell Societies Development Group
Organiser: W. Pavan

The International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies Development Group is hosting a one-day satellite meeting designed to coalesce the remarkable recent progress in the field of pigment cell development with research aimed at gaining new insights into differentiation, gene expression and embryology. This meeting will explore these themes by gathering experts in a broad range of fields spanning basic transcriptional mechanisms through the clinical impact of pigment cell research. The program will include talks from invited group members and talks selected from abstract submissions. Our goal is to bring together a diverse group of dynamic speakers and participants who can together explore the current findings in pigment cell development.

Identification of genes downstream of the endothelin signaling pathway in melanocyte development
L. Kos, S. Mandat, A. Ayala, A. Ittah (USA) (127)

Synergistic induction of murine dopachrome tautomerase gene expression by the transcription factors Sox10 and Mitf
Z. Jiao, R. Mollaaghababa, W.J. Pavan, T.J. Hornyak (USA) (128)

Antibody tracking of phosphorylated MITF in cultured cells
H. Arnheiter, K. Bismuth, J.H. Hallsson (USA) (129)

Melanocyte stem cells induced from ES cells
K. Kunisada, T.M. Motohashi, H.A. Aoki, N.Y. Yoshimura, T.Y. Yamane, H.Y. Yamazaki, J-J.P. Panthier, S-I.H. Hayashi (Japan) (130)

Characterization of melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicles
M.Osawa, M. Moriyama, S-I. Nishikawa, E. K. Nishimura (Japan) (131)

Beta-catenin activation of Brn-2 expression leads to repression of Mitf and increased melanocyte proliferation
C. Goding, (UK) (132)

Satellite Meeting IV: Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmenting Agents

Organiser: J. Nordlund Chairs: J. Nordlund, M. Mizoguchi, J.-P. Ortonne

08:30 Introduction: the problem of hyperpigmentation
J. Nordlund Cincinnati

08:40 Melasma and hyperpigmentation; histological studies
W. Hyoung Kang (Ajou, Korea )

09:00 New studies on the causes of melasma; Role of contact and photodermatitis in melasma
V. Verallo-Rowell (Manila, Philippines)

09:25 Dermal melanosis and melanocytosis: current therapies in the Far East
M. Mizoguchi (Japan)

09:45 Review of therapies in Europe and results with lightening agents for treatment of pigmentary problem
W. Westerhof (The Netherlands)

10:05 Review of new therapies in US and work on, anisole and combination therapies
J. Bolognia (USA)

10:25 Coffee / Tea

10:40 Review of treatment of hyperpigmentation in South America
D. Hexsel (Brazil)

11:00 Review of arbutin and derivatives
R. Boissy (USA)

11:20 Theoretical approaches to hypopigmenting skin: a basis in cell biology
M. Ichihashi (Japan)

11:45 Theoretical approaches to hyperpigmenting skin: a basis in cell biology
J.- P. Ortonne (France)

12:10 Metabolism of melanosomes: is melanin biodegradable?
J. Borovansky (Czech Republic)

12:35 Open discussion