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Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2002



13:00-14:40 Plenary Session 1: Opening Ceremony


Official Opening/ Opening Address - H.M. Pinedo, Amsterdam, NL


Presentation 'NDDO Honorary Award' - C.K. van Kalken, Amsterdam, NL


KEYNOTE LECTURE: Signal transduction in the Erb family of receptors - J. Mendelsohn, Houston, TX


KEYNOTE LECTURE: Tyrosine kinases - A. Ullrich, Munich, D

14:40-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-17:15 Plenary Session 2. STMs: Clinical and translational research (1)


Her-2 receptor/Herceptin - J. Baselga, Barcelona, E


Small-molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors - G. Giaccone, Amsterdam, NL


Hsp90 inhibitors - P. Workman, Sutton, UK


Inhibitors of MAP kinases - A.A. Adjei, Rochester MN

17:15-18:15 Welcome Reception


08:00-10:05 Plenary Session 3: Anti-angiogenic approaches


Small-molecule angiogenesis inhibitors - L.K. Shawver, San Francisco, CA


Endostatin / angiostatin - J. Folkman, Boston, MA


Molecular imaging of anti-angiogenic agents  - G. Jayson, Manchester, UK


Surrogate markers in anti-angiogenesis trials - R. Herbst, Houston, TX

10:05-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-12:30 Plenary Session 4: Proffered Papers
  Oral presentation of papers selected from submitted abstracts

12:30-15:00 Poster Sessions / Lunch (all posters on display September 24-25)

15:00-17:05 Plenary Session 5. STMs: Clinical and translational research (2)


Inhibitors of PI3 kinase - G.B. Mills, Houston, TX


Proteasome inhibitors -  J. Adams, Cambridge, MA


Farnesylation inhibitors - J.H.M. Schellens, Amsterdam, NL


STI-571: recent developments - S.L. Silberman, East Hanover, NJ


STI-571 in GIST - J. Verweij, Rotterdam, NL


08:00-10:05 Plenary Session 6. STMs: Clinical and translational research (3)


mTOR / CCI-779 / rapamycin - E.K. Rowinsky, San Antonio, TX


Molecular targets for prevention of colorectal cancer: Erb-B, COX-2 & PPARs - R.N. Dubois, Nashville, TN


Cyclin-dependent kinases - A. Senderowicz, Bethesda, MD


Targeting FLT3 as a novel, specific therapy for AML - D. Small, Baltimore, MD


The Wnt cascade as a cause of colon cancer - H. Clevers, Utrecht, NL

10:05-10:30 Coffee Break


10:30-12:45 Plenary Session 7: Novel STMs in (pre)clinical development


Oral presentation of profiles of new agents in development (topics and speakers to be announced)
12:45-13:15 Poster Review - S.G. Eckhardt, Denver, CO
13:15-14:30 Plenary Session 8: Future directions (1)


Inhibition of multiple signal transduction/ cell cycle pathways - S. Grant, Richmond, VA


Modulation of death receptor pathways - E.G.E. de Vries, Groningen, NL


Identification of molecular targets using micro-arrays - A. Kallioniemi, Bethesda, MD

14:30-14:55 Coffee Break

14:55-16:35 Plenary session 9: Future directions (2)
14:50-15:20 New treatment paradigms t.b.a.
15:20-15:45 EGFR signalling in cancer: Prognostic and therapeutic implications R.I. Nicholson, Cardiff, UK
15:45-16:10 Clinical and surrogate endpoints R. Pazdur, FDA, Rockville, MD
16:10-16:35 Development of STM inhibitors in oncology: an industry point of view G. Blackledge, Alderley Park, UK

16:35-16:45 Closing remarks

16:45-17:45 Farewell Drinks


If you don't find the required information here, send an email with your question to the
symposium secretariat, referring to 'STM-2002'.